
Simple web code editor build with web components libraries

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm version Build Status Published on webcomponents.org Bundlephobia gzip size



Simple browser code editor for small code chunks.
Written with web-components and lit library.
Inspired by CodeFlask.




  • Web component
  • Keeps your last line indentetion
  • Auto closing brackets, quotes
  • Indents line with the Tab key


npm i lit-code

Requires lit library and if you want highlight prismjs aswell.


Import it like this

import 'prismjs'; //to enable code highlight
//or import './my-version-of-prism.js'
import 'lit-code'; //component it self

Use it like any other custom element!



  • linenumbers - add line numbers
  • noshadow - disables element's shadow-dom so you can sepcify your own colorscheme
  • mycolors - disables buildin theme for highlight
  • code - set pre existing code
  • language - set language (must exists in Prism package)
  • grammar - grammar for you language (sets automaticaly with any change of language);

That's how you can use them:

    code='print("Hello, world!")'


To get any code updates use @update as event listener. That will proved you with latests changes in code:

        ({ detail: code }) => console.log('Hey, I\'ve got some new code:', code)

Or you can grab code with .getCode()

To set some code at runtime use .setCode().


lit-code by default (as css vars) support js, clike, html and css hightlight. Also lit-code keeps it self safe in comfy shadom-dom but you can still specify various colors to it via css variables:

--font-family: monospace;
--font-size:   12pt;
--line-height: 14pt;
--lines-width: 40px;

--editor-bg-color:    white;
--editor-text-color:  black;
--editor-caret-color: var(--editor-text-color);
--editor-sel-color:   #b9ecff;

--lines-bg-color:     #eee;
--lines-text-color:   black;
--scroll-track-color: #aaa;
--scroll-thumb-color: #eee;

/*lit-theme colors for default highlight tokens */
--hl-color-string:      #00ae22;
--hl-color-function:    #004eff;
--hl-color-number:      #dd9031;
--hl-color-operator:    #5a5a5a;
--hl-color-class-name:  #78c3ca;
--hl-color-punctuation: #4a4a4a;
--hl-color-keyword:     #8500ff;
--hl-color-comment:     #aaa;

These are default editor and highlight colors but you can spice things up by adding your own highlight with your Prism pacakge, disabling shadow-dom and creating new highlight colorscheme:

import './my-version-of-prism-with-cpp.js';
import 'lit-code';
<lit-code language='cpp' noshadow></lit-code>
.litcode {
    --editor-bg-color: black;
    --editor-text-color: white;
.litcode .token.type { color: red; }
.litcode .token.template { color: yellow; }

Pro tip

For easy access to parsed by prismjs words hold ctrl + shift while inspecting highlight with dev tools


import { html, css, LitElement } from 'lit';
import 'prismjs';
import 'lit-code';

class JsCodePlayground extends LitElement {
  static styles = css`
    pre, lit-code {
      max-height: 300px;
      border-radius: 8px;
      border: 2px solid #eee;

  static properties = {
    output: { type: String }

  render() {
    return html`
      <lit-code linenumbers language='js'></lit-code>
      <button @click=${this.runCode}>Run code</button>
      <pre id="output">${this.output}</pre>

  runCode() {
    const oldLog = console.log;
    console.log = (...args) => { this.output += args.join(' ') + '\n'; }
    this.output = '';
    const code = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('lit-code').getCode();
    eval(code); //eval is used only for demonstration purposes
    console.log = oldLog;

customElements.define('js-code-playground', JsCodePlayground);