
Project to hold the Ascii doc formated documentation for the Entando Digital Experience platform


  • All of the Asciidoc files are in src/main/asciidoc
  • The top level file is in docs/index.adoc and the child sections are imported from their respecitve folders

Editing the Docs

  • An Asciidoc editor is recommended. Like Atom or the IntelliJ Asciidoc plugins
  • Checkout the documentation with git clone https://github.com/entando/entando-docs
  • Open with the editor and make changes or add docs. The root of the documentation is docs/index.adoc
  • Building the docs requires an installation of the asciidoctor tool

Building the Docs

  • Go to the asciidoc folder cd entando-docs/docs/src/main/asciidoc
  • Run asciidoctor index.adoc
  • Generated documentation is placed in index.html

Styling the Docs

  • Go to the stylesheets folder cd entando-docs/docs/src/main/asciidoc/stylesheets/
  • Edit file menuoverride.css to add or override default css styling

Keep in mind that Fontawesome v.5.3.1 has be added to the project so changing menu icons is fairly easy

  • Go to the asciidoc folder cd entando-docs/docs/src/main/asciidoc/js/headScript.js
  • In order to change icons locate expandButtonText and collapseButtonText variables in headScript.js. Icons can be also entirely removed and text or images can be used to replace them.

Managing inclusions

Inclusion are to be set in index-docinfo.html file and its reference must be added to index.adoc file. Check the file for further reference on how to use it

  • Go to the asciidoc folder cd entando-docs/docs/src/main/asciidoc/index-docinfo.html
  • Edit file index-docinfo.html to change files inclusions ( css , js)

Either project belonging files or external references can be freely added.

For further reference check https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#docinfo-file

Editing Guidlines and Pull Requests

Community contributions and updates to the documentation are welcome and appreciated

  • If you want to contribute to the documentation from the community

    • Create a fork of the project
    • Do your work on a branch named with a reasonable description
    • Submit your pull request
    • If your PR contains conflicts you may be requested to resolve them prior to merge

Changes that won't be merged

  • Styling changes that alter the identity of the documentation