Pinned issues
- 1
Wrong Link in the page:
#741 opened by zxx457 - 1
#745 opened by sharperDev2112 - 10
Saber v1 roadmap
#567 opened by egoist - 2
i18n and translations using only one file per page
#695 opened by arslabora - 4
Build requires PostCSS @ 8 support
#670 opened by andreasvirkus - 1
Error While Injecting Script Tag into Head
#585 opened by sno2 - 1
Provide tags and categories by default?
#577 opened by sustained - 0
How to add meta inside a md file
#662 opened by Assassyn - 0
Portuguese Translating
#635 opened by nazarepiedady - 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
No effect after setting metaInfo
#596 opened by geekplux - 3
Can I inject posts into a Vue component (not layout)?
#595 opened by ninest - 0
sass-loader v8+ compatibility
#587 opened by Liwoj - 0
Saber 0.11.5 'saber-config.yml' performed different from 'saber-config.js' in <saber-link> path.
#586 opened by Siricee - 15
- 1
- 5
saber-plugin-query-posts: Pagination 'next' and 'prev' links seems to be incorrect
#559 opened by aerrata - 2
ESLint and Vetur integration
#569 opened by krmax44 - 1
- 1
- 4
Setting default document title and meta description
#555 opened by egoist - 1
- 0
Use a centralised data store
#553 opened by egoist - 1
Tutorial: Get an error before creating a first page
#543 opened by AlexisJC - 0
saber theme unit test
#512 opened by gaoryrt - 0
Rephrase the Comparisons section in docs
#539 opened by egoist - 2
Add Saber to Wappalyzer
#510 opened by egoist - 0
- 3
Show a notifier when it's required to restart server
#509 opened by egoist - 0
List plugins on the website
#528 opened by andreasvirkus - 0
saber-plugin-image: transform `<img>` instead
#527 opened by egoist - 6
Email link gets parsed as relative link
#485 opened by andreasvirkus - 2
Global components
#515 opened by krmax44 - 1
- 0
Implement code highlighting using webpack loader
#518 opened by egoist - 0
Nuxt-like asyncData
#511 opened by egoist - 2
Index.vue Page does not have hot-reload
#494 opened by pxwee5 - 0
Allow plugin to modify siteConfig and themeConfig
#508 opened by egoist - 0
- 2
mini-css-extract-plugin run during yarn dev
#473 opened by pxwee5 - 3
Expose the markdown parser
#482 opened by egoist - 0
renderPageContent only works in production
#487 opened by krmax44 - 1
A plugin that uses shiki to highlight code blocks
#462 opened by egoist - 5
- 2
Permalinks config option is not respected
#484 opened by andreasvirkus - 3
Template feature: replace tags with Vue components
#472 opened by egoist - 1
Complete support for relative links in Markdown page
#474 opened by egoist - 3