
This game is based on a popular dance in Ghana and West Africa called Azonto. It caught the world by storm and I made a game to extend that culture abroad and beyond. Boogie Loops, code-named Project Yellow, is a dance game inspired by the trendy dance moves that originated in Ghana and went viral on social media worldwide. Using modern motion capture tools like X-Box Kinect, iPi Soft, and Blender3D, human dancers captured dance moves and refined in software. The mocap data was stored and later applied to dance characters in the game and based on the moves the users select, the character transitions into that dance move. Scores are given based on making timely moves and varying your dance moves (called creativity in the game) The game engine used for this project is Unity3D using C# as the programming language.

Built With

  • Unity3D, C# .NET, Blender3D, Kinect, Motion Capture Software, Lot of Perseverance


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