Covid Country Metrics

The application fetches Covid Data from the Narrativa API and shows in a country by country display according to the date you are looking for.

This application uses the Narrativa API but unfortunately it is no longer available and it has caused the app to break. Narrativa API is no long available

Built With

  • Reactjs and Redux and Javascript


Live Demo Link Video Demo Link

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these setup steps below.


  • Simply fork this project
  • run npm i to install all dependencies
  • run npm run build to bundle the project with webpack, and
  • run npm start to launch the application


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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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Thanks to Nelson Sakwa for the UI/UX Guide that helped build this project Thanks to djaiss Mazarin for the map icon project. Mapicon Project Link Huge thanks to everyone who helped us in any capacity to complete this project