
Based on real figures from GRA this API calculates and provides information of import duties and tax on cars

Primary LanguageC#

Vehicle Tax

Provides basic tax/duty information about types and categories of vehicles you can import into the country. Also calculates a vehicles import duty/tax. This is based on real information provided by the GRA Customs Ghana


🚀 Preriquisits

  • Docker
  • Internet connection
  • Docker Compose

🚀 How To Test

Extract zip into Default bash directory. In a separate terminal window (2 terminals) RUN the following commads:


cd vehicle-tax

sh scripts/create.sh

Open Visual studio and run the project or run:

dotnet run --project VehicleTracker/VehicleTracker.csproj

Create an account and link the account to your existing account tracker accounts

How to Use Search And Sort on /api/Vehicle/TaxInformation/SearchSort

Type in your Search or sort parameter into the searchBy{} or sortBy{} eg. searchBy {"typeName": "ambulance"} sortBy {"importDuty": "asc"} (either "asc",ascending or "desc", descending)

List of Searchable Parametes

  • categoryDescription
  • typeName
  • typeDescription
  • categoryName
  • importduty"
  • vat
  • nhil,
  • getfundlevy,
  • aulevy
  • ecowaslevy
  • eximlevy
  • examlevy
  • processingfee
  • specialimportlevy

List of Sortable Parametes

  • importduty"
  • vat
  • nhil,
  • getfundlevy,
  • aulevy
  • ecowaslevy
  • eximlevy
  • examlevy
  • processingfee
  • specialimportlevy

Relevant commands (must cd into project directory)

Run Migrations

sh scripts/migrate.sh apply

RoleBack Migrations

sh scripts/migrate.sh rollback

Destroy Database

sh scripts/destroy.sh

Start Database

sh scripts/start.sh

-Migrations (database scripts) can be found in the migration directory within project directory

  • Migration are written in raw sql

Point to note

Make sure application are run in the specified ports in the launch.json file

  • The application should be run using kestrel
  • To build Main App from doccker compose, uncomment configurations in docker-compose.yml file