QR Code Generator

A simple QR Code Generator web application built with Node.js, Express.js, and EJS.

Project Structure

  • app.js: Server file containing the main logic for handling GET and POST requests, and serving static files.
  • public/: Folder containing static files such as images, CSS, and JS files.
    • css/: Stylesheets for the web application.
  • views/: Folder containing ejs files
    • index.ejs: JavaScript templating language for generating HTML with plain JavaScript.
  • index.html: Main HTML file for the application home page.

Briefly describe what this code sample does:

This code sample is a basic implementation of a QR Code Generator web application using Node.js, Express.js, and EJS. The application allows users to input a URL, generates a corresponding QR code image, and displays it on a web page. Key features include a stylish display of the QR code, the ability to download the generated QR code image, and responsiveness for various screen sizes.

Here's a brief breakdown of code:

  • The application is built using the Express.js framework.
  • The server handles a POST request, typically triggered by user input, to generate a QR code dynamically based on the URL provided by the user.
  • The main EJS template (index.ejs) plays a central role in presenting the user interface. It includes elements for displaying the generated QR code and button for downloading the QR code.
  • QR codes are generated on the server side, ensuring that the encoding process is executed securely and efficiently. The qr-image npm package is utilized for this purpose.
  • The application employs CSS styles to enhance the visual appeal of both the QR code and the buttons.