
Routific API Wrapper for Python

Primary LanguagePython

License: MIT

Routific Python Module

This Python class is a client to interact with the Routific API, which is a practical and scalable solution to the Vehicle Routing Problem and Traveling Salesman Problem.

It is a Python port of the Ruby Routific Gem. Parts of this readme are adapted or copied from that repository's ReadMe. All code is under the MIT Licence.

Please refer to the full documentation for a detailled documentation of the API.


Installation is not yet implemented from PyPI. To install locally use dist tools:

python setup.py install

Remember to require it and set your token before using it. A simple example of a request:

import routific

jwt_token = "some_token"  # Get the token from routific.com by signing up!

routific.set_visit("order_1", {
    "location": {
      "name": "YVR Airport",
      "lat": 49.194713,
      "lng": -123.180684,

routific.set_visit("order_2", {
    "location": {
      "name": "Routific HQ",
      "lat": 49.284924,
      "lng": -123.111946,

routific.set_vehicle("vehicle_1", {
    "start_location": {
      "name": "800 Kingsway",
      "lat": 49.2553636,
      "lng": -123.0873365

routific.set_options({"max_vehicle_overtime": 100})
results = routific.get_route()


The Routific constructor accepts no arguments. By default, the API uses version 1 of the API. Change this by changing the _URL class property:

  Routific._URL = "https://api.routific.com/v2/vrp"


routific.set_visit( id, params )

Sets a visit with the specified id and parameters:

  • location (required): Object representing the location of the visit.
    • lat: Latitude of this location
    • lng: Longitude of this location
    • name: (optional) Name of the location
  • start: the earliest time for this visit. Default value is 00:00, if not specified.
  • end: the latest time for this visit. Default value is 23:59, if not specified.
  • duration: the length of this visit in minutes
  • demand: the capacity that this visit requires
  • priority: higher priority visits are more likely to be served
  • type: restrict the vehicle that can serve this visit
  • time_windows: specify different time-windows for serving the visit. It should be an array of hashes: [ { "start" => "08:00", "end" => "12:00" } ]

routific.set_vehicle( id, params )

Sets a vehicle with the specified ID and parameters:

  • start_location (required): Object representing the start location for this vehicle.
    • lat: Latitude of this location
    • lng: Longitude of this location
    • name: (optional) Name of the location
  • end_location: Object representing the end location for this vehicle.
    • lat: Latitude of this location
    • lng: Longitude of this location
    • name: (optional) Name of the location
  • shift_start: this vehicle's start shift time (e.g. '08:00'). Default value is 00:00, if not specified.
  • shift_end: this vehicle's end shift time (e.g. '17:00'). Default value is 23:59, if not specified.
  • capacity: the capacity that this vehicle can load
  • type: restrict the visit this vehicle can serve
  • speed: vehicle speed
  • min_visits: minimum number of visits that should be assigned to this vehicle
  • strict_start: force the departure time to be shift_start
  • breaks: specify breaks for the driver. It should be an array of hashes: [ { "id" => "lunch", "start" => "12:00", "end" => "12:30" } ]

routific.set_options( params )

Sets optional options onto the route requests. Optional arguments must be one of the following:

  • traffic
  • min_visits_per_vehicle
  • balance
  • min_vehicles
  • shortest_distance
  • squash_duration
  • max_vehicle_overtime
  • max_visit_lateness


Returns an optimized route using the previously provided visits, fleet and options. The request may timeout if the problem is too large.

It returns a route object with the following attributes:

  • status: A sanity check
  • unserved: List of visits that could not be scheduled.
  • vehicle_routes: The optimized schedule
  • other attributes that you can find in the full documentation

The vehicle_routes attribute is a hash mapping vehicle ID to the corresponding route, represented as an array of waypoints: { "vehicle_1" => [ way_point_1, way_point_2, way_point_3, way_point_4 ] }

The waypoint object has the following attributes:

  • location_id
  • arrival_time
  • finish_time
  • other attributes that you can find in the full documentation


The Python wrapper only supports the VRP endpoint, and runs in non-async, blocking mode. It calls the VRP endpoint (long version) and waits until the job is processed. It returns the job output.


  • Unit tests!
  • Add asyncio support for the polling version of the get_route
  • Add more complete API documentation