
IR stuff

Primary LanguageC++Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Simple programs for IR transmitting, used on an arduino.


EN: IRrecord records IR codes, it's mostly default, I've modified only the pin numbers.
RO: IRrecord inregistreaza coduri IR, este aproape default, am modificat doar pinii.

EN: ir_trans transmits at a given time (the starting time is set at the beginning of the file) an IR code. Easy. It also transmits at an interval of n milliseconds the current time (Warning! The time resets at the closing/opening of the serial monitor, I recommend it to be used only for small debugging).
RO: ir_trans transmite la un anumit timp (timplul de inceput este setat la inceputul fisierului) un cod IR, simplu. Transmite si la un interval de n milisecunde timpul curent (Atentie! Se reseteaza timpul la inchiderea/deschiderea serial monitor-ului, recomand sa se foloseasca doar pentru debugging mic).


EN: By default, the IRremote library uses pin #3 for IR transmitting. If you want to change it, you will have to change the IRremote library itself.
RO: Fara modificari, libraria IRremote foloseste pinul #3 pentru transmitere IR. Daca vrei sa il schimbi, va trebui sa schimbi direct din librarie.


EN: After almost one month of daily use I've noticed that the time at which the action occurs is not consistent. Every 12 hours the action executes with a 30 seconds delay (using my current configuration). If you want to have a more reliable time system consider looking into a DS1307 Real time clock module.
RO: Dupa aproape o luna de folosire in fiecare zi am observat ca timpul la care se intampla actiunea nu este consistent. La fiecare 12 ore, actiunea se executa cu o intarziere de 30 de secunde (folosind configuratia actuala). Daca doresti sa ai un sistem de timp mai de incredere, ai putea sa te uiti la un Modul DS1307 pentru un ceas in timp real.

