Curso Machine Learing (M5)

Language used: Python

Day 1 (21.03.2023):

01 Python notebook (Google Colaboratory)

02 Conditionals

(if, elif, else)

03 Loops

(for, while)

Day 2 (22.03.2023):

01 SpaceX-01

Data collection GET request to the SpaceX API Basic data wrangling and data cleaning Listas

02 SpaceX-03

Data analysis using SQL

Day 3 (23.03.2023):

01 ML Prophet Model

02 Folium library- map creating tools

03 Scikit library

  • linear model: LinearRegression
  • neighbors: KNeighborsRegressor

Day 4 (24.03.2023):

01 Prediction by machine learning

(LogisticRegression, SVC, DecisionTreeClassifier, KNeighborsClassifier)

02 Analysis of launch site locations with Folium

03 Mark all launching sites on a map

04 Mark on the map the successful/failed launches of each site

05 Calculate the distances between a launch site and its vicinity

Day 5 (25.03.2023):

01 Data wrangling

02 Data processment for simple conclusions

(mean, medium, adding new columns, changing column names, grouping)