Shopify Intern Challenge W22

!!Work in Progress!! for outline of problem and process.

Application the W22 Shopify internship

Task: [Build an Image repository] ( Demonstrates proficiency in the following areas:

  • Data modeling
    • Architect relational database models in Python and SQLite
    • Utilize SQLAlchemy to conduct database queries
  • API Architecture and Testing
    • Follow RESTful principles of API development using Flask
    • Structure endpoints to perform CRUD operations, as well as error handling
    • Demonstrate validity of API behavior using the unittest library
  • Third Party Authentication (TODO)
    • Configure Role Based Authentication and roles-based access control (RBAC) in a Flask application utilizing Auth0
    • Decode and verify JWTs from Authorization headers
  • Deployment
    • API will be hosted (TODO)
  • Front End (TODO)
    • Design and create a frontend which works with the API and redirects the user to Auth0 for login.
    • Uses Flask and Jinja Templates

Getting Started

Installing Dependencies

Developers should have Python3, and pip3 installed

Frontend dependencies


Backend Dependencies

Virtual Environment

In the main directory run:

python -m venv venv

To activate the virtual environment, in the main directory run:

souce venv/bin/activate


Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Your Frontend in Dev Mode


Database Setup


Running the server

From within the main directory first ensure you are working using your created virtual environment.

To run the server, execute:

imagerepo run



API Reference

Getting Started

!!TODO!! Base URL: Currently this application is only hosted locally. The backend is hosted at (to do) Authentication: In order to use the API users need to be authenticated. Users can either have a user or admin role. An overview of the API can be found below as well. There's also a Postman Collection(to do) provided.

Error Handling (to do)

There are four types of errors the API will return`;

  • 400 - bad request
  • 401 - unauthorised
  • 404 - resource not found
  • 422 - unprocessable
  • 500 - internal server error


Roles and Permissions


Admin have the following permissions:

  • get:image
  • post:image
  • delete:image

email: password: user_id:


User has the following permissions:

  • get:image


GET '/'

  • Returns the home page and a welcome message

GET '/upload'

  • returns the upload image form

POST '/upload/images'

  • Uploads a new image (or images) to the database
  • Requires admin account authorisation
  • TODO

GET '/update'

  • returns the upload image form for updating an image

POST '/update'

  • updates the image on the database with any updated information
  • Requires admin account authorisation
  • TODO

GET and POST '/register'

  • creates a new user
  • TODO