
A simple Cakephp ACL based authentication plugin

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple Cakephp ACL based authentication plugin


  1. Plugin AclExtras
  2. jQuery library enabled in layout


  1. Clone the repo or download a tarball and install it into app/Plugin/Cauth or in any of your plugin Paths.

  2. Import “Cauth.sql” in your database.

  3. Enable plugin at “boostrap.php”.

  4. Add the following code in AppController.php

    public $helpers = array ('Form', 'Time', 'Html', 'Session', 'Js'); public $counter = 0; public $components = array ( 'RequestHandler', 'Acl', 'Auth' => array ( 'authError' => 'Did you really think you are allowed to see that?', 'authorize' => array ( 'Actions' => array ( 'actionPath' => 'controllers', 'userModel' => 'Cauth.User', ), ) ), 'Session' );

    public function beforeFilter() {

     //Configure AuthComponent
     $this->Auth->loginAction    = array ('plugin'     => 'cauth', 'controller' => 'users', 'action'     => 'login');
     $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = array ('plugin'     => 'cauth', 'controller' => 'users', 'action'     => 'login');
     $this->Auth->loginRedirect  = array ('plugin'     => '', 'controller' => 'pages', 'action'     => 'display');


  5. We need to create group and user. As without any user we can not create, so for 1st time create we will allow add action in both user and group controller. public function beforeFilter() { parent::beforeFilter(); $this->Auth->allow('add'); }

  6. Add an new group, say "Administrator".

  7. Add a new user under "Administrator" group.

  8. Now remove or block the codes in both controller.

  9. Allow 'initDB', 'acoSync' and 'index' action from utils controller. public function beforeFilter() { parent::beforeFilter(); $this->Auth->allow('initDB', 'acoSync', 'index'); }

  10. Run http://yourdomain/cauth/utils/acoSync

  11. Run http://yourdomain/cauth/utils/initDB

  12. Run http://yourdomain/cauth/utils/updateItem

  13. Again remove or block these code from utils controller.

  14. Now Cauth is ready to use.


  1. A complete ACL based group permission option
  2. Rename option for controllers and action for user readability.
  3. Hiding the actions from user that is not necessary for them but has used to perform some internal actions.