
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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What problem does your app solve?

  • Makes it easy to find books and leave a rating

Be as specific as possible; how does your app solve the problem?

  • Users can see a list of books, the average rating given to them, and then click onm the book to see more information and leave their own rating

What is the mission statement?

  • Make finding great books easy and make reviewing and sharing them delightful


What features are required for your minimum viable product? MVP: As a user I can log in, and see a list of text books. Each book will have a 5 star rating I can browse from. As a user I can review each book. Login Page - After a user logs in, they'll be directed to a home page. React Navigation - Navigation is present on all pages, Users should know what page is active by clicking on a nav link and activating their tab. React? Html css? Home Page - Contains a list of Books laid out in a grid format. Html/css Single Book Page - Loads information about the book, Author, Name, Publisher and a scrolling list of reviews. Add review and delete book buttons present. React -- Where do We get the data from??? Book API? Single Book Add Review Page - Clicking add review brings up a form (could be modal, could be its own page) where a user can add their review of the book. Clicking submit adds the review to the books information. React Delete Book - Modal confirming the action, on confirmation user is routed back to the home page and book is gone from the list of books. React Data Modeling: Each book has a Title - String, Author - String, Publisher - String and Reviews- Array of Objects field. The reviews object shape should be Reviewer - String, Review - String. React What features may you wish to put in a future release? All of the above

What do the top 3 similar apps do for their users?

Design - Planning

Optional but highly recommended Please refer to this document: Build Weeks: Planning & Design Worksheet (How to build a beautiful application) What design system will you use?

  • TBD

What will your user flow be?

See wireframe below

What is the URL to your wireframes?

Frameworks - Libraries

What 3rd party frameworks/libraries are you considering using?

Do APIs require you to contact its maintainer to gain access?

Are you required to pay to use the API?

Have you considered using Apple Frameworks? (MapKit, Healthkit, ARKit?)

For Data Scientists

Describe the Established data source with at least rough data able to be provided on day 1.

You can gather information about the data set you’ll be working with from the project description. Be sure to collaborate with your PM, and your Backend Architect to chat about the resources you have.

Write a description for what the DS problem is (what uncertainty/prediction are we trying to do here? Sentiment analysis? Why is this a useful solution to a problem?)

A target (e.g. JSON format or such) for output that DS students can deliver to web/other students for them to ingest and use in the app

Target Audience

Who is your target audience? Be specific.

  • People of all ages that are interested and passionate about books

What feedback have you gotten from potential users?

  • none Have you validated the problem and your solution with your target audience? How?


Research thoroughly before writing a single line of code. Solidify the features of your app conceptually before implementation. Spend the weekend researching so you can hit the ground running on Monday. Prototype Key Feature(s)

This is the “bread and butter” of the app, this is what makes your app yours. Calculate how long it takes to implement these features and triple the time estimated. That way you’ll have plenty of time to finish. It is preferred to drop features and spend more time working on your MVP features if needed.