
This repo contains explanation about how to write a Makefile

Primary LanguageMakefile

How to write a Makefile

Manual compilation

To manually compile a project and produce an executable follow the following instructions:

$ gcc -I . -c main.c  ->  main.o
$ gcc -I . -c module.c ->  module.o
$ gcc main.o module.o -o target_bin -> target binary 
// -I is used to include the current directory (.) as a header file location.

General syntax of a Makefile

The general syntax of a Makefile rule is as follows:

target: dependency1 dependency2 ...
[TAB] action1
[TAB] action2

General remarkes

  1. By convention, variable's names are written in upper-case form, i.e. CC = gcc.
  2. A varaible can be accessed using one of these ${VAR}, $(VAR) syntaxes.
  3. If no target is specified, make is defaulted to target the first target in a Makefile.
  4. Each make line is executed in a separate sub-shell environment. Therefore, a command like cd newdir will not affect the next lines.

Simple make file for our project (dependency tree structure)

all: main.o module.o 				 //dependencies of target all 	
	gcc main.o module.o -o target_bin	 //action to make target all	
main.o: main.c module.h 			 //dependencies fo target main.o 	
	gcc -I . -c main.c 			 //action to make target main.o ,
module.o: module.c module.h														
	gcc -I . -c module.c 			//-I indicate header file locations	
clean:						This target has no dependencies						
	rm -rf *.o 													
	rm target_bin

How does make utilize the timestamp of files

If make found a dependency with a newer timestamp than the target, it will remake that target and all the targets that are depending on it. For example, if the source file module.c is modified, make will remake the module.o and the target all when the program is rebuilt. However, make will not remake the main.o since it has a newer timestamp than the source file main.c. Furthermore, special targets are not files and such their related actions are always executed if they are specified.

Dealing with assignment operator

Simple assignment (:=)

A simple assignment expression is evaluated only once, at the very first occurrence. For example, if CC :=${GCC} ${FLAGS} during the first encounter is evaluated to gcc -W then each time ${CC} occurs it will be replaced with gcc -W.

Recursive assignment(=)

A Recursive assignment expression is evaluated everytime the variable is encountered in the code. For example, a statement like CC = ${GCC} {FLAGS} will be evaluated only when an action like ${CC} file.c is executed. However, if the variable GCC is reassigned i.e GCC=c++ then the ${CC} will be converted to c++ -W after the reassignment.

Conditional assignment (?=)

Conditional assignment assigns a value to a variable only if it does not have a value

Appending (+=)

Assume that CC = gcc then the appending operator is used like CC += -w then CC now has the value gcc -W

Using patterns and special variables

When wildcard % appears in the dependency list, it is replaced with the same string that was used to perform substitution in the target.

  • Inside actions we can use:
    • $@ to represent the full target name of the current target
    • $? returns the dependencies that are newer than the current target
    • $* returns the text that corresponds to % in the target
    • $< returns the name of the first dependency
    • $^ returns the names of all the dependencies with space as the delimiter

Action modifiers

  • Prefixing an action with - tells make to ignore any error occurs in that line. . By default, execution of a Makefile stops when any command returns a non-zero (error) value.
  • @ (at) suppresses the standard print-action-to-standard-output behaviour of make
    For exampele,@echo OutputMessage will print "OutputMessage" and suppresses printing the action "echo OutputMessage".

Using PHONY to avoid file-target name conflicts

If the project directory contains a file with same names as a special target in the Makefile (i.e. all, clean), that will result in a conflict and make will produce an error. Using .PHONY directive to specify which targets are not to be
considered as files, for instance, .PHONY: all clean.

Check make execution before the actual building (dry run)

At times, maybe when developing the Makefile, we may want to trace the make execution (and view the logged messages) without actually running the actions,
which is time consuming. Simply use make -n to do a “dry run”.

Nested Makefiles

To run a multiple make files in different directories, first change directory and then invoke make. Using the environment variable $(MAKE) gives greater flexibility to run multiple Makefiles. For example, $(MAKE) enables passing the -n option for the "dry run" subdir: cd subdir %% $(MAKE)

Using the shell command output in a variable

Sometimes we need to use the output from one command/action in other places in the Makefile.To do that a sell command can be used. For example, to get the list of files in in the current directory we would run: LS_OUT = $(shell ls).