
Lightweight ETL to store adjacency data from the Helium blockchain in ArangoDB.

Primary LanguagePython


Lightweight ETL to store adjacency data (e.g. payments, witness receipts) from the Helium blockchain in an ArangoDB database.

Quickstart (Ubuntu)

  • Follow these instructions to run blockchain-node.
  • Launch ArangoDB via docker

docker run -d --name arango -p 8529:8529 -h -e ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password arangodb/arangodb:3.8.2

  • If you open port 8529, you should be able to view the Arango WebUI in your browser at:


  • Clone this repository and cd into the main directory
  • Make a copy of .env.template, call it .env, and edit the environment variables with your settings.
  • Install dependencies with

pip3 install requirements.txt

  • Run the ETL

cd helium_arango_etl_lite && python3 etl.py

After backfilling all blocks stored on the node, the service should listen for new blocks and process them as they come in.