
Topography-informed multitrilateration with applications.

Primary LanguagePython


Topographical modeling of the Helium Network with applications.


This repository contains a variety of scripts that are in various stages of development. Overall, I am working toward refactoring the code away from ArangoDB and toward a place where all data is drawn from an instance of [helium-transaction-etl], a lightweight block follower and database. This will hopefully simplify deployments of the various scripts and applications. I'll try to keep this README up-to-date with the latest status of the various components.

Script Description Status
api_batch.py A REST API that serves topographic and witnessing metrics. Stable. Used in crowdspot.
app.py A streamlit app that displays trilateration and topography results using ArangoDB as a backend. Functional, but no longer supported.
app_relational.py Same as app.py, but using helium-transaction-etl, a SQL database. Stable. (use this version of the app)
batch_processing.py Generates topographic predictions en masse and inserts results into the db populated by helium-transaction-etl. Stable
train.py Trains the topographic ML models used by the above tools. Refactoring in progress. Functional, no longer supported.

Dependencies (Ubuntu)

Witness Data

These tools use a Postgres database that is populated with witness data via a helium block follower, blockchain-node.

  1. Follow these instructions to run the helium-transaction-etl client alongside blockchain-node. Allow the service some time to ingest blocks.
  2. Make a copy of .env.template called .env and populate the environment variables to link to your Postgres database and Mapbox API token.

Elevation Maps, Trained Models, and Python Dependencies

The tools also draw from open-source topographic datasets courtesy of the Space Shuttle Endeavor. You'll need to download the entire map (~18GB) to your server. Further, we host pre-trained models that you can download if you want to skip the training step.

  1. Create the following folders/subfolders within this repository directory.
mkdir -p static/gis-data/SRTM_GL3
mkdir -p static/trained_models/svm
mkdir -p static/trained_models/gaussian_process
mkdir -p static/trained_models/isolation_forest
  1. Install the latest version of the AWS CLI. Instructions here.
  2. (from this directory) Download the SRTM dataset:

aws s3 cp s3://raster/SRTM_GL3/ static/gis-data/SRTM_GL3 --recursive --endpoint-url https://opentopography.s3.sdsc.edu --no-sign-request

  1. Download the trained models:
wget -O static/trained_models/svm/2022-02-06T16_23_54.mdl https://helium-topography.s3.amazonaws.com/trained_models/svm/2022-02-04T16_31_09.mdl
wget -O static/trained_models/gaussian_process/2022-02-04T16_28_14.mdl https://helium-topography.s3.amazonaws.com/trained_models/gaussian_process/2022-02-04T16_28_14.mdl
wget -O static/trained_models/isolation_forest/2022-02-04T16_31_09.mdl https://helium-topography.s3.amazonaws.com/trained_models/isolation_forest/2022-02-04T16_31_09.mdl
  1. Initialize, activate, and install requirements.txt to a Python 3.7+ virtual environment
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

You should now be able to run the scripts and apps mentioned above, e.g.

streamlit run app_relational.py (launches the webapp on port 8501 by default)

python batch_processing.py