
Ruby Gem for the untappd API

Primary LanguageRuby


Wrapper around the Untappd API. This organizes the untappd api into proper RESTFUL objects. See API coverage below for mapping from the API documentation.

  • You will need to register for an API key: http://untappd.com/api/register.
  • Attempting to wrap all the API documented here: https://untappd.com/api/docs/v4.
  • Required parameters are passed as arguments to the method, optional parameters should be included in the options hash.
  • Methods requiring user authentication will require an OAuth access_token. See OAuth Examples below.
  • All responses are wrapped in a Hashie::Mash


  • 4.0.0 supports the v4 API (https://untappd.com/api/docs/v4)
  • 0.0.5 Brewery Info and Search
  • 0.0.4 Complete coverage of v3 API. Checkins, Comments, Toasts, gmt_offset configuration
  • 0.0.3 Venue Info & Feed, Trending Beer, Brewery Feed, Checkin info & Feed (the pub), Renamed Beer.checkins to Beer.feed
  • 0.0.2 User feed, distinct beers, info, badges, friends, wish list
  • 0.0.1 Beer Search, Info and Checkins

API Coverage

Beer Object

  • Beer Feed - Untappd::Beer.feed(beer_id, options={})
  • Beer Info - Untappd::Beer.info(beer_id, options={})
  • Beer Search - Untappd::Beer.search(q, options={})
  • Trending - Untappd::Beer.trending

User Object

  • User Feed - Untappd::User.feed(username, options={})
  • User Info - Untappd::User.info(username)
  • User Badges - Untappd::User.badges(username, options={})
  • User Friends - Untappd::User.friends(username, options={})
  • User Wish List - Untappd::User.wish_list(username, options={})
  • User Distinct Beers - Untappd::User.distinct(username, options={})
  • Friend Feed - Untappd::User.friend_feed(access_token, options={})

Venue Object

  • Venue Feed - Untappd::Venue.feed(venue_id, options={})
  • Venue Info - Untappd::Venue.info(venue_id)

Brewery Object

  • Brewery Checkins - Untappd::Brewery.feed(brewery_id, options={})
  • Brewery Info - Untappd::Brewery.info(brewery_id)
  • Brewery Search - Untappd::Brewery.search(q)

Checkin Object

  • Checkin Info - Untappd::Checkin.info(checkin_id)
  • The Pub Feed - Untappd::Checkin.feed(options={})
  • Checkin - Untappd::Checkin.create(access_token, gmt_offset, timezone, beer_id, options={})
  • Add Comment - Untappd::Checkin.add_comment(access_token, checkin_id, comment)
  • Remove Comment - Untappd::Checkin.remove_comment(access_token, comment_id)
  • Toast/Remove Toast - Untappd::Checkin.toggle_toast(access_token, checkin_id)


  • Add To Wish List - /v4/user/wishlist/add
  • Remove From Wish List - /v4/user/wishlist/delete
  • Pending Friends - /v4/user/pending
  • Accept Friends - /v4/friend/accept/TARGET_ID
  • Reject Friends - /v4/friend/reject/TARGET_ID
  • Remove Friends - /v4/friend/remove/TARGET_ID
  • Request Friends - /v4/friend/request/TARGET_ID
  • Notifications - /v4/notifications
  • Foursquare Venue Lookup - /v4/venue/foursquare_lookup/VENUE_ID



Add to your Gemfile

gem 'untappd'

Configure your API KEY

Untappd.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'
  config.client_secret = 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET'
  config.redirect_url = 'YOUR_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL' # only if you're using OAuth
  config.gmt_offset = -5


To generate an OAuth authentication request, simply call


This will generate a URL that the user can access in order to authorize the application. It will look something like this:

 => "https://untappd.com/oauth/authenticate/?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&response_type=token&redirect_url=YOUR_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL"

After the user has authenticated your application, they will be redirected back to YOUR_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL with their access token appended to the query string.


Get all the checkins for Arrogant Bastard Ale

checkins = Untappd::Beer.feed(18099) # or Untappd::User.feed("cmar")
checkins.checkins.items.each do |checkin|
  puts "#{checkin.user.first_name} at #{checkin.created_at}"

Create Checkin

#foursqure, lat, lng are optional
Untappd::Checkin.create(ACCESS_TOKEN, 4665,
            :foursquare_id => "4ad6bf91f964a520380821e3",
							:timezone => 'EST',
            :user_lat => "51.4718",
            :user_lng => "-0.489278")

Search for beers with the name Stone

beers = Untappd::Beer.search('stone')
beers.beers.items.each do |beer|
   puts "#{beer.beer.beer_name}"

Get extended info for Arrogant Bastard Ale

info = Untappd::Beer.info(18099)
puts "#{info.beer.beer_name} by #{info.beer.brewery.brewery_name}"

All Methods can take additional options specified in the API

checkins = Untappd::Beer.feed(18099, :offset => 100)

beers = Untappd::Beer.search('stone', :sort => "count")


You can dump any result to see what values are available with

info = Untappd::Beer.info(18099)
puts info.inspect