
Test framework for Jenkinsfile Runner

Primary LanguageShell

Jenkinsfile Runner Test Framework

This repository provides a test harness for verifying Jenkinsfile Runner Docker images. That image can be already built or it can be built using Custom War Packager and the set of utility functions provided by the framework.

The framework takes a Jenkinsfile from a directory and runs against the image, waiting for its completion, and then verifies log outputs and results.


Technical requirements

The test suite is designed to run on Linux, targeting JFR execution only in Docker containers. It relies on shUnit2 and its hooks allow to check the log outputs, the content in the workspace and the result of the execution in an easy way.

In case it's desired to build the docker image using the Custom War Packager it is possible to specify a particular version (released, timestamped snapshot or incremental), although the framework defines a default version.

The test framework supports timeouts (in progress at the time of writing this README file) and JAVA_OPTS environment variable.


Enable the framework

To make use of the test framework we have to download the scripts cloning the repository or downloading the sources. Then execute the Makefile provided by the framework. An example might be:

# Basic Makefile example
.PHONY: all

all: clean init test

    # Avoid to cache the framework
	rm -rf jenkinsfile-runner-test-framework

    # Retrieve the test framework. In this case, we are cloning the repository
	git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkinsfile-runner-test-framework
	$(MAKE) -C jenkinsfile-runner-test-framework

# Execute your tests here

The Makefile to init the framework will download the shUnit2 library so any project/developer making use of this framework can disregard that step

Init the framework in the test script

Jenkinsfile Runner Test Framework unifies all the global configuration and the files to include in a single script init-jfr-test-framework.inc, so we just have to invoke and load it.


. $test_framework_directory/init-jfr-test-framework.inc

Once the test framework is loaded, all the functions will be available as any other shell script function.

test_example_that_download_CWP_jar_generate_docker_image_and_run_jenkinsfile() {
    downloaded_cwp_jar=$(download_cwp "$test_framework_directory")
    jfr_tag=$(execute_cwp_jar_and_generate_docker_image "$test_framework_directory" "$downloaded_cwp_jar" "$version" "path_to/packager-config.yml" "$jenkinsfile_runner_tag" | grep 'Successfully tagged')
    execution_should_success "$?" "$jfr_tag" "$jenkinsfile_runner_tag"

    result=$(run_jfr_docker_image "$jenkinsfile_runner_tag" "path_to/Jenkinsfile")
    jenkinsfile_execution_should_succeed "$?" "$result"

The last step is to init all the framework invoking the init_framework function, which is defined in the init-jfr-test-framework.inc script. This function must be invoked at the end of the test shell script so shUnit2 is loaded properly.


In case someone is interested on contributing, the Jenkinsfile Runner Test Framework gives the opportunity to check any change:

  • In case the contributor would like to check the syntax of the scripts, it's enough to execute make syntax
  • In case the desire is to execute the smoke tests, the execution command is make test
  • The recommendation is to check and verify both texts and syntax. In that case, just execute make verify

Further reading