- 2
- 0
Removing the namespace leaves {} prefix
#289 opened by tacman - 0
Reparse element with same reader
#280 opened by Zekfad - 4
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Type of Sabre\DAV\Xml\Service::$elementMap must be array
#267 opened by Offerel - 6
bump min php versions
#215 opened by staabm - 0
How can I add an xml-stylesheet tag ?
#252 opened by rossaddison - 0
- 1
PHPstan error reported for startElementNs call
#227 opened by phil-davis - 1
How save xml content in file ?
#235 opened by sergeynilov - 2
- 0
how to write macro in epsilon code editor
#230 opened by Ambaji007 - 2
Root node not returned from parser
#172 opened by mollentze - 3
How to render some element as CDATA?
#222 opened by komareklukas - 4
- 13
XML elements directly following <media:content xmlns:media="" seem to be ignored when parsing.
#142 opened by xeiter - 0
- 0
Feature request: changing the default deserializer
#211 opened by priyadi - 0
- 1
Is it possible to skip element using deserializer ?
#202 opened by HamzaDevz - 0
root and child with the same name
#201 opened by brunocunha00 - 0
Gcash save money
#199 opened by pa671 - 0
Adding a custom DOCTYPE tag
#200 opened by zietbukuel - 0
- 3
- 5
Deserialize unconsistent XML to a normalized Array
#188 opened by jzfgo - 0
Trouble with prefix in writer
#187 opened by vrobin95 - 2
Allowed memory size exhausted when writing
#186 opened by david-kristin - 3
Release 2.2.1
#184 opened by phil-davis - 4
- 5
I can't seem to get the right codes sent to me for my accounts
#180 opened by Bin321trin2dowhatsRigHt - 3
no xmlns
#170 opened by z1912774711 - 2
Root Element Read
#162 opened by victorgp89 - 6
Parsing large xml files
#164 opened by VinceG - 7
Sabre/Xml/ParseException explanation, troubleshooting or error handling - [question]
#163 opened by danswiser - 2
Merge elements from different branches
#157 opened by danswiser - 1
Serializer wihout namespace
#156 opened by victorgp89 - 3
Attributes for root elements
#148 opened by ilyachase - 6
How can I get the output to match the input?
#143 opened by jameswmcnab - 4
Ignore XML validation errors on read
#141 opened by petri4kov - 3
- 3
- 2
"attributes" belonging, when creating VO
#137 opened by pawski - 1
Parsing root element as key-value
#135 opened by cnkt - 1
How can parse double elements naming?
#130 opened by diseltoofast - 2
Reader: local XSD entities possible?
#126 opened by netsensei - 5
- 7
Cast attribute value to string?
#125 opened by jbrooksuk - 9
Parsing XML with custom deserializers
#124 opened by jbrooksuk - 1
PHP Version Break
#123 opened by Davitig - 1
Ability to add an Namespace without a prefix
#120 opened by tkuijer