Fully functional E-commerce website front-end and back-end.
Using Tailwind CSS, Alpine JS and Livewire as an Admin panel for the website management and product search.
You can simulate purchase product with Stripe PAYMENT integration
Excel Import/Export on Products.
LOG Monitoring Access on Admin & Customers.
Intelligent searching mechanism for products.
Awesome Cart package that uses session with Coupon Discount application.
An artisan command to seed the database with all necessary dummy data.
Different user roles and privileges with multiple authentication guard
Multi-Language Integration with Laravel Localization.
Categories, tags and price filtering for easier search for products.
And much more features.
composer update && composer dump-autoload
npm install --force && npn run dev
php artisan storage:link
php artisan key:generate && php artisan serve
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
ADMIN PANEL URL: http://localhost:8000/it/TyRLsvMqw
username: jimipulsar@github.com
password: 123pie456
Check .env.example to set up application