#Epicodus Code Review C# Week 6 Word Counter
Write a program that gathers both a word and sentence from a user, then checks how frequently the word appears in the sentence, 04.26.2019
_Write a program that gathers both a word and sentence from a user, then checks how frequently the word appears in the sentence.
Behavior | Input | Output |
The application ask to the user to input a word and a sentence and return a number of the count of the occurrence of his word. | word = "cat" ; sentence = "I'm walking to the cathedral with my cat" | 1 |
The user inputs a number as a word and as a sentence, the application return the count of the number as a word. | word = "33" ; sentence = "3333333" | 3 |
The user inputs a number and non-alphabetical characters as a word and as a sentence, the application return the count of the number and and recognizes the character and the number as a word. | word = "3" ; sentence = "3333333%$#" | 7 |
The Program count how many times the word appears in the sentence but it should check for full word matches only. | word = "CAT" ; sentence = "I'm walking to the CAThedral." | 0 |
The application manages all uppercase and mixed case entries | word = "cAt" ; sentence = "I'm walking to the cathedral with my white CAT, my black Cat and my grey cAt!!" | 3 |
The user inputs a empty word and/or sentence, the application returns an alert and the program stops (break). | word = " " ; sentence = " " | "Please don't try to break my code :)" |
- 1/Simplest Behavior : Ask to the user a word and a sentence
- a/ Declaration of RepeatCounter class
- b/ Give to the class two Properties, a word and a sentence
- c/ Declare a constructor that takes a word and a sentence as a parameter
- 2/ Simplest Behavior : Check if the word from the user appears in the sentence
- d/ Create method to get private property word and sentence from the constructor
- e/ Create Boolean Method to check if a word appears in a sentence, true if the method find the word in the sentence otherwise false
- 3/ Simplest Behavior : Check how frequently the word appears in the sentence and the application should check for full word matches only
- f/ Create an Integer Method with a while loop to get the number of occurrence in a sentence
- g/ When the application find the word in the sentence, add the value of the position to a int variable + the value of the length of the word, this allows to look for a new occurrence after this word
- 4/ Simplest Behavior : Find a word in the sentence even if the case is different
- h/ Add the ToLower method in CheckNumberOccurence Method to manage mixed case entries of the sentence and word
- 5/ Simplest Behavior : Return a sentence and stop the program if the user doesn't fill the fields
- i/ Add a if and the IsNullOrEmpty in Method to the while loop to avoid an infinite loop and stop the program
- 6/ Simplest Behavior : Run the program in the Console
- j/ Create a Program file to ask to the user for a word and a sentence
- clone this repository *_ Open it with your text and source code editor_ *_If you want to clone my project, use this link : https://github.com/sabrinamianne/WordCounter.git
_ No Bug but no User Interface until 05/03/2019_
Contact me by e-mail at the following address : sabrina.epicodus@gmail.com
C# -.NET_
This software is licenced under the MIT licence
Copyright (c) 2019 Sabrina M