
A Django NewsPaper website , Three types of roles - admin,editor, user. Users can browse, and Login users can see all types of category news. Also User can give rating and after giving they will receive email. Editor can add, edit, and delete news.

Primary LanguageHTML


A Django MVT Pattern Newspaper Web Application.

Admin Credential :

  • Username: sara
  • Password: 123

Editor Credential :

  • Username: sabrina
  • Password: 111111$S


  • User registration and login using email.
  • After registration, an activation email will be sent to the user.
  • With User, EditorPanel.
  • Users can give ratings after that they will receive email.
  • Editor can add news.
  • Editor can edit and delete news(article).
  • Admin can manage Users and Editor.
  • Admin can approve, deny, or make news premium.
  • Admin can make users, admin and editors.

Resources & Credits

Getting Started

To run NewsQuest locally, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Install dependencies
  • setup env file
  SECRET_KEY=use your own secret key from settings.py
  EMAIL=your email
  EMAIL_PASS=set password as you want
  • Start the server
   py manage.py runserver
  • setup requirement.txt
  pip install -r requirements. txt
  • For migrations
  py manage.py makemigrations
  py manage.py migrate