
Inspired by George Stein's ml-in-cosmology page.


This GitHub will keep a list of all FRB/cosmology papers. Although currently mostly forecasting or theory papers, we may see this change soon as we obtain more FRB localizations. Note the format for this GitHub is inspired by George Stein's ml-in-cosmology repo.

Feel free to make a pull request or email me at sabrina.berger@mail.mcgill.ca for any papers you see missing.

I am currently a graduate student at McGill University in Montréal.

Table of Contents

Reionization and 21cm

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year
Detecting Helium Reionization with Fast Radio Bursts https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.11517 500 FRBs extending out to z=5 2020


Large-Scale Structure

Baryon Mass

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year
Reconstructing the Fraction of Baryons in the Intergalactic Medium with Fast Radio Bursts via Gaussian Processes https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.10189 >2000 2020


Gravitational Lensing

Weak Lensing

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year

Strong Lensing

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year
First Constraints on Compact Dark Matter from Fast Radio Burst Microstructure https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.12533 170 FRBs intercepting halos within ~50kpc 2020
Constraints on compact dark matter with fast radio burst observations https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.13349 ? 2020


Cosmic Microwave Background

Optical Depth

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year
Constraining the CMB Optical Depth Through the Dispersion Measure of Cosmological Radio Transients https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.081304 ? 2016


Parameter Estimation

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year
Cosmology with Gravitational Wave/Fast Radio Burst Associations https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.12265 100 GW/FRB 2018
Future Cosmological Constraints from Fast Radio Bursts https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.11277 1000 2017
Extracting host galaxy dispersion measure and constraining cosmological parameters using fast radio burst data https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.08154 ? 2016

Probes of Fundamental Cosmology

Equivalence Principle

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year
New test of weak equivalence principle using polarized light from astrophysical events https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.09935 ? 2017
Limits on Einstein's Equivalence Principle from the first localized Fast Radio Burst FRB 150418 https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07643 ? 2016
Testing Einstein’s Equivalence Principle with Cosmological Fast Radio Bursts behind Clusters of Galaxies https://arxiv.org/pdf/1601.04558.pdf ? 2016
Testing Einstein’s Equivalence Principle with Fast Radio Bursts https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.07670 ? 2015

Cosmological Principle

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year
FRB Strength Distribution Challenges the Cosmological Principle https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.00537 ? 2017

Photon Mass

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year
A Bayesian Framework to Constrain the Photon Mass with a Catalog of Fast Radio Bursts https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.01278 ? 2017


Cosmic Strings

Title arxiv link Number of localized FRBs needed? Year



Reviews of FRBs in cosmology.

