
A simple library for Category Theory and Morden Algebra

Primary LanguageScala


A library for pragmatic application of Category Theory and Mordern Algebra

How to compile and test it?


  1. Clone the sbt project
  2. Change to home directory of project
  3. Enter sbt compile to comile it.
  4. Enter sbt test to test

how to use it?

Create a simple algebratic structure by providing its type as most of algebraic instances are available as implicit values. To make implicit values visible import instaces object of the algebraic strucure.


  • import scat._

  • import MonadInstances._

  • val l = Monad[List]

  • println(l.flatMap(List(1,2,3))(x=> List(x,x)))

  • >>List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)

how to contribute..

You can define new instances of an algebraic structure inside instance object of that algebraic structure inside instances/Instaces.scala file. e.g you can add new Monad instaces in instances/MonadInstances .please make those instances as implicit value.

you can add new algebraic structure as type class in TypeClasses folder and its laws in Law folder and testcases in spec/ folder.