
Survey Application

Primary LanguageJava


Test Instructions

General note: Do not focus here aspects like authentication, authorization or anything front-end related. Apart from this, everything is on the table. We would like to see how you approach and structure a project and be ready to demo the implemented parts. Source code: Please use only with java/kotlin. Material submission: Please upload your code in any public git repo.


Design the back-end for a survey application: It should give the capability for simple polls comprising questions with multiple choice answers. Follow preferably the Microservices architecture pattern. Keep in mind the following features: a) Add/edit/delete questions and answers b) read a list of all questions c) read a question with all answers d) respond to a survey e) Get the relative distribution of a selected answer by question

  1. Prepare a small documentation about your project and design.
  2. Define the REST-skeletons with the service-endpoints in question, preferably Spring.
  3. Implement the add /delete endpoint of a) for questions and answers, the service(s)-endpoint(s) to respond to a survey d) and the endpoint to receive the result per answer e)

The URL to access backend APIs http://localhost:8080/doc/survey-app-service/swagger-ui/index.html#/

Build instructions Backend:

  1. mvn clean
  2. mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

💻 Technology Stack:

  • Open JDK 11
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • JSON
  • h2
  • Docker
  • Intellij Community
  • lombok
  • OpenAPI Swagger


What software or accounts you need to create or install

☁️ Deployment


Docker Container

Action Command
List docker ps -a
Remove docker rm "NAMES"
Stop docker stop “NAMES”
Logs docker logs “NAMES”

Docker Images

Action Command
List docker images
Remove docker rmi “REPOSITORY/IMAGE ID”

Steps to create & push image from local machine to Docker Hub

1. Navigate to the DIR containing Dockerfile
2. Generate jar file
   1. mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
3. Generate docker image
   1. docker login -u=yourHubUsername
   2. docker build . -t <APPLICATION_NAME>:<TAG_NAME>
   3. docker images
   4. docker tag <IMAGE_ID> yourHubUsername/yourRepo:<TAG_NAME>
   5. docker push yourHubUsername/yourRepo

Configuration on AWS console

4. Update and install docker
   1. sudo apt update
   2. sudo apt install docker.io
   3. sudo service docker start
   4. sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu
   5. exit (login again to ec2 instance)
   6. docker info

5. Login to docker hub
   1. docker login -u=yourHubUsername
   2. docker images
  1. h2 console http://localhost:8080/h2-console/login.do?jsessionid=d987f6a45ae679b37ebd9c5eb42cf9c9

Pull and Run Spring Boot container and Link with h2

8. Pull Spring Boot app
   1. docker pull yourHubUsername/yourRepo:<TAG_NAME>
9. Link and Run Spring Boot app
   1. docker run -p 8080:8080 --name <APPLICATION_NAME> --link <APPLICATION_DB_NAME>:mysql -d yourHubUsername/yourRepo:<TAG_NAME>
10. Check Logs
    - docker logs <APPLICATION_NAME>
    - docker logs <APPLICATION_DB_NAME>

In case you need to stop & remove containers

- docker stop <APPLICATION_NAME>
- docker stop <APPLICATION_DB_NAME>
- docker rm <APPLICATION_DB_NAME> -v (-v : Option deletes the docker volume created for the mysql container)
Remove containers
- docker rm <APPLICATION_NAME>
Remove images
- docker rmi yourHubUsername/yourRepo:airline-app
- docker rmi mysql:latest

##Possible Future Microservices Design/Architecture img.png


:octocat: Sachin Nikam - sachin-nikam-1096b016

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: