
List of SocketCluster clients

Curated list of clients for SocketCluster

This is the list of SocketCluster client drivers for various languages and/or operating systems.

If you wrote an open source SC client and would like to add it to this list, you should submit a PR with the name of your client, GitHub repo URL, language/platform and the original author's GitHub username (follow the convention).

Note that the official JavaScript socketcluster-client offers a number of features - Third-party clients may not necessarily support all these features - For this reason, we think it's important to classify clients into different levels based on what features they offer. Note that each level builds on top of the previous one; so a client cannot be considered L3 unless it implements all the required features of both L1 and L2.

The levels are:

  • L1: Support for emitting and listening to remote events (without automatic reconnection).
  • L2: Automatic reconnection
  • L3: Pub/sub
  • L4: Authentication (JWT)

Feedback on existing clients is welcome.

List of clients

socketcluster-client (Official client)
Language: JavaScript
Platform: Web browsers, Node.js
Level: L4
Authors: jondubois
Repo: https://github.com/SocketCluster/socketcluster-client

socketcluster-client-java (Official Android client)
Language: Java
Platform: Any Java platform (including Android)
Level: L4
Authors: sacOO7
Repo: https://github.com/sacOO7/socketcluster-client-java

Language: Objective-C
Platform: iOS
Level: L4
Authors: abpopov
Repo: https://github.com/abpopov/SocketCluster-ios-client

socketcluster-client-swift (Official iOS client)
Language: Swift
Platform: iOS
Level: L4
Authors: sacOO7
Repo: https://github.com/sacOO7/socketcluster-client-swift

socketcluster-client-python (Official Python client)
Language: Python
Platform: Any Python platform
Level: L4
Authors: sacOO7
Repo: https://github.com/sacOO7/socketcluster-client-python

socketcluster-client-dot-net (Official .NET client)
Language: C#
Platform: .NET, Mono, Silverlight, WindowsPhone, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, any .NET platform
Level: L4
Authors: sacOO7
Repo: https://github.com/sacOO7/SocketclusterClientDotNet

PureSocketCluster (.NET Core NetStandard client)
Language: C#
Platform: .NET Core, NetStandard
Level: L4
Authors: coinigy
Repo: https://github.com/coinigy/PureSocketCluster

socketcluster-client-C (Official C client)
Language: C
Platform: Any platform which has a standard C compiler
Level: L4
Authors: sacOO7
Repo: https://github.com/sacOO7/socketcluster-client-C

Language: C++11 or higher
Platform: All
Level: L4
Authors: Bryan Ashby
Repo: https://github.com/cw-zift/scio-beast

socketcluster-client-go (Official Go client)
Language: Go
Platform: Any platform which has a Go compiler
Level: L4
Authors: sacOO7
Repo: https://github.com/sacOO7/socketcluster-client-go

socketcluster-client-ruby (Official Ruby client)
Language: Ruby
Platform: Any platform which has Ruby >= 2.2.0
Level: L4
Authors: OpenSocket
Repo: https://github.com/OpenSocket/socketcluster-client-ruby

Unreal Engine Client (Official UE4 client)
Language: C++ && UE Blueprints
Platform: Any platform with C++ compiler and has UE4 libraries installed
Level: L4 (Currently in Beta) Authors: ziiCreater, inQonsole
Repo: https://github.com/ziicreater/socketcluster-client-ue4