
Uses a NodeMCU with control via MQTT to drive 4 LED circuits chock full of realistic flame flickering action

Primary LanguageC++

LED Candles with accuflicker

Uses a NodeMCU with control via MQTT to drive 4 LED circuits chock full of realistic flame flickering action


.ledhacker's blog - LED candle light flicker

Christian Haschek's blog - MQTT control of a water valve


  • Set your wifi and mqqt details in Credentials.h (Credentials.template.h provided)
  • Change the pin assignments in line 28-31 as needed
  • To turn on, send a candlecontrol/candle topic with a payload of ON
  • To turn off, use a payload of OFF. ;)
  • The board will send a status/candlecontrol topic with a payload of ONLINE or OFFLINE