== Build scripts to build FreiboxOS/FreiBSD ==

These scripts are not intended to be an universial build system in the first
place, if you are looking for such have a look into /usr/ports/sysutils/freesbie
or /usr/ports/sysutils/livecd.

== Versions ==

live - a minimal live version to run a Freenet node for demonstration purposes
       or for 'hardware is good for freenet' certification
fbos - installer(s) for a permanent node
       Kernels: default - in theory it should work on any i386 that can deal
                          with Freenet
                freibox - optimized for FreiBox reference hardware

       Software: normal - 
                 dev    - all you need to create/update the installer/updates


get the sources:
cvsup.sh - get/update bsd sources
get-freenet.sh - get/update all freenet sources

build-bsd.sh - build the distro
build-freenet.sh - build the node
build-iso.sh - make the iso