My first programme in C
How play ?
gcc main.c ; ./a.out
Have a good time.
When I start programing in C, i knew that I need practise to leanr, and what better then write a mini-game ?
For this reason I started with Less_or_more the most simple game ever.
Yes it's simple, but not when you have to do it in language you don't know.
What did I learn in the first version ?
- How to compile C file
- What is an header file (librairy)
- While, do while, if, else if
- Switch
- Srand (how get a random number)
- Printf
- Scanf
Three days after learning and training C langage, I decided to add new stuffs on it.
So I create the V2. What did I add to it ?
I didn't add new functions, but I learned how to write a clean code.
My first version contained 113 lines.
The V2 ? just 64 lines, but cleaner.
Thanks You for reanding it, if someone do it one day...