Crowd motion simulation

The principle of Bertrand Maury and Juliette Venel's contact crowd movement model is to assume that each individual in a crowd has a trajectory that he would like to follow if he were alone. Being in a crowd, he deviates from this trajectory when he is about to collide with someone.

Beyond the mathematical considerations of the model, it is very faithful to the behaviours observed in very dense crowds and allows to model well emergency evacuation situations. It can also be relevant in physical modelling, to illustrate the mechanics of granular materials for example.

The model is detailed on the paper available here.

Example of a simulation with 20 people and radius 15 :

2D_cstspeed_Neumann 2D_cstspeed_Neumann_flat

Setup of the code

This computational code is written in Python. The projection of optimisation part is made with CVXPY, other computation are made with Numpy to reduce the most as possible the computation time. Plots are made with Matplotlib. All dependencies are available on environment.yml.

To setup the environment you can follow these steps :

  1. Clone the repository : git clone
  2. Be sure to be on the repo folder and clone the conda environment : conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. Activate the conda env : conda activate crowd_env
  4. Run the simulation : python


You can fix several parameters for the simulation. They are listed in the table below.

Variable Description Default value
zone_width Width of the moving zone 800
zone_height Height of the moving zone 400
exit_center_width Width position of the exit center zone_width/2
exit_center_height Height position of the exit center zone_width/2
exit_radius_width Length of exit lane 10
exit_radius_height Radius of the exit 40
people_radius Number of people 20
people_radius People radius body shape 15
people_speed Spontaneous speed norm of people 6
time_step_number Number of discrete time step 40
max_time_step Simulation final time 120
random_initial_position Say if the people initial position should be random (from a pkl file if not) True
save_solution Save the solution on a pkl file False
file_name Name of the solution file data.pkl