Docker teaching material

This repository contains the material for a Docker lab session. The goal of this session is to get familiar with Docker by dockerizing a simple django react application.

Solutions are provided in the solutions branch.


Getting started

Clone this repository and navigate to the root of the project:

git clone
cd docker-teaching-material

The first step is to get familiar with the application. The application is composed of two parts: a backend and a frontend. The backend is a simple django application that exposes a REST API. The frontend is a simple react application that consumes the REST API.


Navigate to the backend folder:

cd backend
  • Setup the python environment:
cd backend
pipenv install

Activate the environment:

pipenv shell
  • Setup the django application:

Run the migrations:

python migrate

Create a superuser:

python createsuperuser

Run the server:

python runserver

You can now access the backend (django admin) at http://localhost:8000/admin and see the REST API at http://localhost:8000/api. Finally, you can the model at http://localhost:8000/api/todos.

🏁 If everithing is working, you can now move on to the frontend. Otherwise, ask for help.


Navigate to the frontend folder:

cd frontend
  • Setup the node environment:
npm install
  • Run the server:
npm start

You can now access the frontend at http://localhost:3000.

🏁 If everithing is working, you can now move on to the dockerization. Otherwise, ask for help.

Dockerization of the application

You see that it is not very convenient to have to run two servers to run the application. The goal of this session is to dockerize the application so that it can be run with a single command. To do so, we will use docker-compose. Docker-compose is a tool that allows to run multiple docker containers at once.

Dockerize the backend

Navigate to the backend folder:

cd backend

Create a Dockerfile using the following steps:

  • What is the base image should we use? (hint: you favorite programming language)
  • Create a working directory
  • Install the dependencies
  • Copy the source code
  • What port should we expose ? (hint: the port used by the django server)
  • Create an entrypoint that activate the Pipenv shell and apply the migrations and add it to the Dockerfile

ℹ️ We will see later the runnning of the server.

You can lint your dockerfile using the following website:

Dockerize the frontend

Navigate to the frontend folder:

cd frontend

Create a Dockerfile using the following steps:

  • What is the base image should we use? (hint: a point in a network or diagram at which lines or pathways intersect or branch)
  • Create a working directory
  • Install the dependencies
  • Copy the source code
  • What port should we expose ? (hint: the port used by the react server)

ℹ️ We will see later the runnning of the server.

You can lint your dockerfile using the following website:

Link the backend and the frontend using docker-compose

Create a docker-compose.yml file at the root of the project using the following steps:

  • Create a service for the backend
  • Create a service for the frontend with a dependency on the backend

This is the most difficult part of the session. If you are stuck, ask for help. It is on purpose that we do not provide a lot of details on how to do it, you should be able to find the information by yourself.

Run the application

Now that the application is dockerized, we can run it using docker-compose. To do so, we firs need to build the images:

docker-compose build

Then, we can run the application:

docker-compose up

You can now access the application at http://localhost:3000. Check that everything is working as expected. If not, ask for help.

Some elements to go further

If you completed the session before the end of the time, or if you want to go further, here are some elements that you can try:

  • Replace the sqlite database by a postgres database by creating a new service in the docker-compose file and linking it to the backend.
  • Create an .env file at the root of the project and use it to configure the backend and the frontend by replacing the hardcoded values in the, config.js, Dockerfile and `docker-compose by environment variables.
  • Dockerize the application for the production by creating a and a file.