- 3
Add man page
#46 opened by nitrocode - 7
- 3
`--shell fish` fish: unknown command: -c
#154 opened by anthr76 - 1
Selection with mouse is not working
#153 opened by florianrusch - 6
Cannot copy text from the viddy output window
#65 opened by live-wire - 4
Tracking package registries
#136 opened by sachaos - 0
Support scrolling by mouse
#137 opened by sachaos - 2
Releases should be inside a folder
#72 opened by sr105 - 1
Help text should include keymap
#85 opened by theimpostor - 3
- 1
Display error
#80 opened by YHYJ - 0
Support Winget
#144 opened by sachaos - 6
AUR package out of date
#64 opened by bvobart - 1
Will you be planning uploading viddy to
#138 opened by mimikun - 17
Viddy as a importable package
#54 opened by anvial - 30
#117 opened by sachaos - 2
- 3
Option to save history?
#52 opened by theimpostor - 2
Running with --interval and an invalid duration leads to nil pointer dereference
#66 opened by AlexanderThaller - 2
- 3
FR: support horizontal scrolling
#87 opened by avamsi - 2
do not highlight output on first iteration
#101 opened by slashburygin - 2
Dump data to file, so that you can share it.
#103 opened by guettli - 2
`skip_empty_diffs` config does not work
#119 opened by ilyagr - 2
- 0
Parse a duration string that uses a floating point
#131 opened by sachaos - 3
- 1
config under windows
#75 opened by alexn-s - 6
- 2
- 1
Quotes in command get removed (Bug?)
#111 opened by YoungOak - 1
TUI characters not working
#110 opened by rothgar - 2
Do not intercept or re-parse positional arguments
#92 opened by ahmetb - 1
Suspend does not pause execution
#100 opened by knoellle - 3
quit viddy via 'q' key?
#63 opened by ryenus - 1
Hide entries which don't include changes.
#102 opened by guettli - 1
- 0
- 13
Why can't I select text with my mouse?
#76 opened by mosheavni - 2
- 1
- 4
Spawning a lot of threads
#79 opened by btjanaka - 2
--unfold is a great option, but having a hotkey to toggle it would be better
#53 opened by Ghoughpteighbteau - 3
Color output doesn't seem to work
#62 opened by zoulja - 1
Feature request: copy paste support
#74 opened by whites11 - 0
- 3
- 1
- 0
- 0
Provide zip files for Windows releases
#49 opened by martinlindhe