
➕ Add Query Parameters to an URL

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Add Query Params

Code Coverage Deno Doc

Add Query Parameters to an URL.


The API is the same on all this platforms ✔️

Deno 🦕

import { addParams } from "https://deno.land/x/add_params/mod.ts";

addParams("https://ultirequiem.com", { page: 33, author: "Me", share: false });
//=> https://ultirequiem.com/?page=33&author=Me&share=false

addParams(new URL("/api", "https://example.com"), { day: 2 });
//=> https://example.com/api?day=2

Node.js 🐢🚀

import { driveLink } from "@ultirequiem/add-params";

Browser 🌐

You can use any CDN 🔥

Eg 👉 ESM ↔️ SkyPack 🆚 Script Tag ↔️ JSDelivr


Is hosted on Deno Doc 📄


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Eliaz Bobadilla - Creator and Maintainer 💪

See also the full list of contributors who participated in this project


We use Semantic Versioning. For the versions available, see the tags 🏷️


Licensed under the MIT License 📄