
Terraform template for CSYE 6225

Primary LanguageHCL

AWS Infrastructure for CSYE 6225

Terraform template for CSYE 6225 Fall 2020 to create AWS infrastructure with following resources:

  • VPC
  • Subnets (x3) in different AZs of a region
  • Internet gateway
  • Public route table with a public route
  • Application security table
  • Database security table
  • S3 Bucket
  • IAM role with policy to access S3 bucket from EC2 (webapp & codedeploy)
  • DB subnet group
  • RDS instance for DB
  • EC2 instance for application
  • DynamoDB table
  • Codedeploy application with deployment group
  • IAM role for codedeploy application
  • IAM user policy for ghactions to create deployment
  • Load balancer with target group & listener
  • Autoscaling group
  • Autoscaling launch confguration
  • Autoscaling scale up & down policies
  • Metric alarms to scale up & down
  • Lambda function
  • IAM role with policy to access SES & SNS from lambda function
  • SNS topic with lambda function as subscription


Expected Variables

Variable Name Description Default
profile AWS CLI profile default
region AWS region for infrastructure us-east-1
account_id AWS account id -
vpc_name Name of VPC csye6225-vpc
cidr_block CIDR block for VPC
cidrs CIDR block for each subnet (comma-delimited),,
azs AZs for each subnet (comma-delimited) a,b,c
bucket_name Name of s3 bucket webapp.deepansh.sachdeva
bucket_acl ACL for s3 bucket private
db_identifier Identifier for RDS csye6225-f20
db_storage_size Storage size for RDS 20
db_instance_class Instance class for RDS db.t3.micro
db_engine DB engine for RDS mysql
db_engine_version DB engine version for RDS 5.7.22
db_name DB name for RDS csye6225
db_username DB username for RDS csye6225fall2020
db_password DB password for RDS REDACTED
db_public_access DB public accessibility for RDS false
db_multiaz DB multi az for RDS false
instance_type EC2 instance type t2.micro
instance_vol_type EC2 volume type gp2
instance_vol_size EC2 volume size 20
instance_subnet EC2 subnet serial 1
key_name SSH key name -
dynamodb_table DynamoDB table csye6225
dynamodb_key DynamoDB hash key table id
codedeploy_bucket S3 bucket for codedeploy builds codedeploy.deepanshsachdeva.me
ghactions_user Username for github actions ghactions
root_domain Root domain for hosted zone deepanshsachdeva.me
lambda_handler Handler for lambda function index.handler
lambda_runtime Runtime for lambda function nodejs12.x
lambda_memory Memory limit for lambda functio 256
lambda_timeout Timeout for lambda function 60
lambda_zip Zip file for lambda code function_code.zip

Initialize a Terraform working directory

terraform init

Validates the Terraform files

terraform validate

Format files to canonical format

terraform fmt

Generate and show an execution plan

terraform plan

Build or change infrastructure

terraform apply

Destroy infrastructure

terraform destroy

Import SSL certificate to AWS Certificate Manager using AWS CLI

aws acm import-certificate \
--certificate fileb://path_to_crt_file \
--private-key fileb://path_to_private_key \
--certificate-chain fileb://path_to_ca_bundle_file


Deepansh Sachdeva (NUID 001399788)