
This is a web app, where you can put up lottery draw events as well as participate in them. You can see the upcoming events and the previous draw winners too.


Project is created with:

  • Reactjs, Material UI (Frontend)
  • Nodejs, Express (Backend)
  • Mongodb (Database)

Directory Structure


  • src
    • components: Contains various react components which are to be used in the project
    • index.js: entry point of the react app
  • public: contains all the static assets like html, logos and styles file which are to be served.

Frontend Repository


  • db/mongoose.js: Configures the database.
  • models: Defines different mongoose models.
  • routes: Defines routers for the main express app.
  • app.js: Instantiates and configures the main app.

Deployed Links


To run this project, install it locally using npm and yarn, respectively.

Backend (assuming in the root directory)

Make a .env file and give a database uri as DATABASE_URL. Make sure your database is running properly.

Then For development

$ cd backend
$ npm install
$ node app.js

Default port has been set to 8080.

Frontend (assuming in the root directory)

$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start

Default port has been set to 3000