
ColorBurst is a python module that provide method to print stylish text onto console without any setups. For example, you can print colored text or text with colored background or different styled text like bold, underlined, etc or with all these property with specified color and style for each

Primary LanguagePython

ColorBurst - Stylish Output

ColorBurst is a python module that provide method to print stylish text onto console without any setups. For example, you can print colored text or text with colored background or different styled text like bold, underlined, etc or with all these property with specified color and style for each

Table of Contents


You can install this package using pip or directly from the github

Installing with pip

pip install ChromaticColorBurst

Installing Directly from GitHub

pip install git+https://github.com/sachin-acharya-projects/ColorBurst.git@master

Or you can even download wheel file from dist folder and install it using

pip install wheel-file-name.whl


This package provide three classes which are Colors, Decorations and ColorBurst


This is a namespace class that contains valid values for color and background parameter for ColorBurst.colorize method

  Colors.RED # This equivalent to string 'RED'


This class contains valid values for decoration parameter for ColorBurst.colorize method

Decorations.BOLD # This equivalent to string 'BOLD'


This is a dataclass that can contain values for different property for text like color, background and decoration Usages

# To access value
TextProperty.color # returns default color value i.e. None if none assigned before

# To change value
TextPropery(color = 'RED').color # returns 'RED'

There are three data kind it holds color of type Colors background of type Colors and decoration of type Decorations


This is the main class that can be used to print styled text onto console(Terminals). This class provides following three methods

class ColorBurst:
    def __init__(self, default_property: TextProperty | None = TextProperty(), autoreset: bool = False) -> None:
        """Display styled text onto your console

            default_property (TextProperty | None, optional): Unless updated, all of the outout will have this property. Defaults to TextProperty().
            autoreset (bool, optional): When set to True, after every output, style of buffer will be reset. Defaults to False.
    def update(self, property_: TextProperty = TextProperty(), autoreset: bool = False):
        """Uodate the default property for all of the output

            property_ (TextProperty, optional): This is the default property. Defaults to TextProperty().
            autoreset (bool, optional): Set to True to reset color buffer after every output. Defaults to False.
    def RESET(self):
        """Reset persisting style
    def input_burst(self, prompt: str = '', prompt_property: TextPropertyDict | TextProperty = TextProperty(), text_property: TextPropertyDict |  TextProperty = TextProperty(), type_: Callable = None) -> Any:
        """You can now have stylish input from users. You can set color, decoration and background for prompt as well as the user-input area

            prompt (str, optional): This is the prompt for the input. Defaults to ''.
            prompt_property (TextPropertyDict | TextProperty, optional): Property for prompt. Defaults to TextProperty().
            text_property (TextPropertyDict | TextProperty, optional): Property for user-input area. Defaults to TextProperty().
            type_ (Callable, optional): The data-type in which you want your input to be casted into. Defaults to None.

            Any: return string if type_ parameter is None otherwise the type provided by type_ param.
    def print_burst(self, *args, properties: TextPropertyDict | TextProperty = None, separator = None, end = None):
        """Printout the stylish text onto the console

            properties (TextPropertyDict | TextProperty, optional): Properties for the output text (use default property if None provided). Defaults to None.
            separator (_type_, optional): A separator that is used to separate multiple strings (use blank space as default value if None provided). Defaults to None.
            end (_type_, optional): Value to be provided after each printing statement (use \\n for default value). Defaults to None.
    def get_property(self, color: str = '', background: str = '', decoration: str = '0') -> TextProperty:


  # Importing required modules
  from ColorBurst import ColorBurst, Colors, Decorations, TextProperty

  # Initializing ColorBurst
  cb = ColorBurst(autoreset=True)

  # Printing Text with color RED and Background YELLOW
  cb.print_burst('Hello', 'World', properties=TextProperty(Colors.RED, Colors.YELLOW))

  # Resetting

  # Updating autoreset property

  # Printing Text with color GREEN
  cb.print_burst('Hello', 'World', properties=TextProperty(Colors.GREEN))

  # Printing Text with color YELLOW
  cb.print_burst('Hi', properties={
      'color': "YELLOW"

  # Taking styled input
  cb.input_burst("What is your name? ", TextProperty(background='GREEN', color='BLUE'), TextProperty(decoration=Decorations.ITALIC, color='RED'))

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