Lung Cancer Prediction using deep learning with gene expression data

BTP Code - B23SA01


Data and Preprocessing Block

  • The data folder contains data for multiple patients in which each patient have it's own tsv data file containing gene expresion data.

  • MergeHelp contains data into csv for each patient.

  • preprocess.ipynb contains the Preprocessing code.

  • TCGA_Labeled.csv file contains the preprocessed data.

Feature Selection(KL Divergence)

  • KL_Divergence jupyter notebook contains code for Kl divegence gene selection.

  • Labeled_Final_Features csv file contains the data selected after kl divergence gene selection.


  • Training jupyter source file coatains the model code for prediction of lung cancer.

  • Results coatains the output after model Training.

Gene Augmentation and Particle Swarm optimization

  • Augmentation jupyter source file conatains code for the gene expression data.

  • Augmentation_Data1.csv contains data for weighted mixed observations.

  • Augmentation_Data2.csv contains data for generative adversarial networks.

  • Optimizations jupyter notebook contains the code for particle Swarm optimization.

  • TCGA_Labled_PSO constains the data with genes selected after PSO optimization.

  • TCGA_Labled_PSO_KL contains the data after pso and kl divergence.

Run Locally

Download the project

Go to the project directory

  cd Btp

Install dependencies

  pip install scikit-learn,pandas,pytorch,matplotlib,seaborn,scipy,tensorflow,shutil


  • You can find all the data and csv's at