
Assignment newsapp for fintech asia pasific company

Primary LanguageDart

Fintech news-app

Fintech newsapp Provides breaking news and news around the world to user..


  • Users can see Breaking news and normal overall news.
  • Users can tap in to a news tile to see a detailed inforation on the news.
  • News search functionality.


To run this application, you need to have Flutter installed on your machine. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/sachin96Boy/finap-news-app.git.
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd MyApp.
  3. Run flutter pub get to install the dependencies.
  4. create an .env file and add the following environment variable values.

AUTH_NEWS_API=your api key goes here NEWS_API_EVERYTHING=https://newsapi.org/v2/everything NEWS_API_HEADLINES=https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines

  1. Connect your device or emulator.
  2. Run flutter run to launch the app.


You can find the complete list of dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code as per your needs.


If you have any questions or need any assistance, feel free to reach out to me at [sachin96boy.dev].

Happy coding!