
A simple web interface for downloading torrent files. It uses github.com/anacrolix/torrent/tree/master/cmd/torrent golang program to download torrent in the backend.

Primary LanguageCSS


A simple web interface for downloading torrent files. Just provide the magnet link or .torrent file url and sit back. The request is forwaded to a golang executable(compiled from github.com/anacrolix/torrent/tree/master/cmd/torrent) that gets the job done. This is very minimalistic implementation of github.com/anacrolix/torrent library along with Node.js and jQuery. File browsing is provided by h5ai file indexer that has many great features.

  • Home Page

  • Download List

  • Steps to setup
  1. Clone this repository to /var/www/html/torrent
  2. Give rwx permissions to the files directory by running sudo chmod -R o+rwx files
  3. After that, install following packages sudo apt install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php php7.4-gd ffmpeg zip graphicsmagick -y
  4. Install latest version of Node.js Make sure to select Linux Binaries (x64)
  5. Open the file /etc/apache2/mods-available/dir.conf and edit the line beginning with DirectoryIndex, add this /torrent/files/_h5ai/public/index.php at the end
  6. The goLeecher_x64 binary provided here may not work on your system so we need to build it.
    1. Install the latest version of go
    2. Install build-essential package by sudo apt install build-essential -y
    3. Clone this repository github.com/anacrolix/torrent.git at $HOME
    4. Replace $HOME/torrent/config.go and $HOME/torrent/cmd/torrent/main.go with /var/www/html/torrent/go/src/github.com/anacrolix/torrent/config.go and /var/www/html/torrent/go/src/github.com/anacrolix/torrent/cmd/torrent/main.go respectively
    5. Open a terminal and navigate to cd $HOME/torrent/cmd/torrent/ and enter go install command
    6. After the process completes, you'll find the binary at $HOME/go/bin/torrent Rename it to goLeecher_x64
    7. Now replace /var/www/html/torrent/websocket/goLeecher_x64 with the $HOME/go/bin/goLeecher_x64
  7. Start the websocket server by executing cd /var/www/html/torrent/websocket && node server.js command
  8. Restart the apache2 server and go to localhost/torrent
  • Steps to setup using docker
  1. Download the deploy.sh file and give it execute permission
  2. Make sure to have git and docker installed.
  3. Just run the deploy.sh file and navigate to localhost:8090
  4. To stop the containers, execute docker stop torrent-ws torrent-httpd