
This is a plugin for integrating Redmine with Activiti BPM.

Primary LanguageRuby

Redmine BPM Integration

Stories in Ready Code Climate Dependency Status

This is a plugin for integrating Redmine with Activiti BPM.

Check the 'Activiti BPM Webapp Example' to test this redmine plugin (https://github.com/thalestpires/activiti_bpm_example/).

The Active Record backend requires a jobs table. You can create that table by running the following command:

rails generate delayed_job:active_record rake db:migrate

DELAYED JOB Installation of the delayed_job gem (using active record): - Run the commands below: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails generate delayed_job:active_record RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

- Create the config file with the following lines:


  Delayed::Worker.destroy_failed_jobs = false
  Delayed::Worker.sleep_delay = 60
  Delayed::Worker.max_attempts = 3
  Delayed::Worker.max_run_time = 5.minutes
  Delayed::Worker.read_ahead = 10
  Delayed::Worker.default_queue_name = 'default'
  Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = !Rails.env.test?
  Delayed::Worker.raise_signal_exceptions = :term
  Delayed::Worker.logger = Logger.new(File.join(Rails.root, 'log', 'delayed_job.log'))
  Delayed::Worker.logger.datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

- Give write permission to the log file
  >chmod a+w {RAILS_ROOT_PATH}/log/delayed_job.log

- To start/stop or check the status of the delayed_job run:
  >RAILS_ENV=development script/delayed_job -n 2 start #where 2 is the number of workers
  OR, to execute and follow:
  > rake jobs:work

  * You can also run stop & status

- To stop all jobs running run:
  >rake jobs:clear

- In development an error occurs when delayed job runs a job scheduled by itself. To prevent this error add the following line to {RAILS_ROOT_PATH}/config/environments/{Rails.env}.rb :
  >config.cache_classes = true

Synchronization Jobs

Description of when sync jobs are triggered:

Start process (start_process_job) - On create issue

Process definitions (sync_process_definitions_job) - On deploy (specific) - On render process list

Human Tasks (sync_bpm_tasks_job) - In start process job (specific) - On closing issue (specific)

Process Instances (sync_process_instances_job) - On closing issue (specific)

To identify where they are being called, search for "#JOB"

Turn on/off jobs to sync processes and tasks from Activiti

  • ON: > run_jobs.sh {environment}
  • OFF: > stop_sync_jobs.sh {db.user} {db.password} {db} {environment}