

Primary LanguageShell


  • Git clone the repo -> git clone https://github.com/sachinchandran/scripts.git
  • Inside scripts directory -> cd scripts
  • Run as root user on a fresh CentOS 7 or Debian 9 machine.
  • Installs httpd/apache2, mariadb, php and wordpress.
  • ./install_wordpress.sh --mysql --apache --php --mysqlrootpassword=foobar123 --wpdbpassword=foobar345
  • Going to http://<ip of your machine/vm> , should give you the Wordpress initialization page.
  • Go to admin by logging in using grab/Gr@bpass001


  • Git clone the repo -> git clone https://github.com/sachinchandran/script.git
  • Inside scripts directory -> cd scripts
  • Run as root user on a CentOS 7 or Debian 9 machine
  • ./install_nagios.sh
  • Go to http://<ip of your machine/vm>/nagios. Login using nagiosadmin/nagiosadmin