Pokemon Classifier based on fast.ai library deployed on Heroku.
This repo can be used as a starting point to deploy fast.ai models on Render.
The sample app described here is up at https://pokemonclassifierapp.herokuapp.com/. Test it out with pikachu,charmander or bulbasaur images!
You can check the notebook here.
The starter codes is taken from the starter code for deploying fast.ai models on Render.
We need to add a Procfile to the repository and put
web: python app/server.py serve
in it. -
We need to add a runtime.txt file to specify
version. -
In the
file we need to add :
import os
import requests
Port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 50000))
and replace uvicorn.run(.....) by
uvicorn.run(app=app, host='', port=Port, log_level="info")
Edit : After upgrading uvicorn version, the app crashed with the following error - Publish to Heroku is broken: "WARNING: You must pass the application as an import string to enable 'reload' or 'workers"
Solution is changing WEB_CONCURRENCY = 1 in app's setting on Heroku dashboard.