Full featured JavaScript image & video gallery. No dependencies
- 1
Demos link is a 404
#234 opened by sircode - 1
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Improve download btn functionality
#227 opened by andimg93 - 2
Download just open the image in other tab
#165 opened by d-knafo - 2
Improve download btn functionality
#226 opened by andimg93 - 1
- 1
- 1
backdrop-opacity not working
#219 opened by jerearaujo03 - 4
How do I remove the share and download buttons?
#160 opened by simoneliv94 - 1
AJAX compatibility with lightGallery
#217 opened by emresaracoglu - 3
Missing few images in main page
#216 opened by jignesh6990 - 1
how to upload images to lightgallery
#215 opened by rohan2734 - 1
Clickable links not working when are placed in the same div as light gallery
#213 opened by Umair04041994 - 1
- 1
Captions / Title not taking correct height
#211 opened by niklasp - 2
Init on reach structure
#210 opened by sashabeep - 1
Only HTML mode?
#208 opened by flyingatm - 3
Lazyload thumbnails
#205 opened by alvinkonda - 1
Consider css variables / custom properties
#207 opened by johnsfuller - 1
- 4
How to load plugins
#203 opened by ddrury - 1
Lightgallery Close
#202 opened by kumarmut1984 - 1
upgrade to v2 banner has broken link
#204 opened by evanwill - 1
Back button to close gallery?
#201 opened by garretwilson - 1
pinch zoom all wonky on Android Chrome
#200 opened by garretwilson - 1
galleryId hash demo?
#199 opened by garretwilson - 1
Positioning wrong when `text-align` is not `left`
#197 opened by stuartpb - 1
IOS images are sometimes displayed before loaded is complete resulting in a partial image
#196 opened by fredhall - 2
Images not presenting itself correctly on ipad
#194 opened by DonaldB381 - 2
weird visual bug.
#190 opened by picarica - 1
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custom hash url
#189 opened by sograra - 8
Change video.js size
#188 opened by user9823749 - 2
- 2
Pictures and Yotube video in one gallery causes the video to autoplay even when not in focus
#186 opened by picarica - 1
Wait for video to finish before going to next slide
#169 opened by KaBankz - 1
change icon font to inline SVG
#167 opened by GitMax42 - 1
- 1
data-sub-html-url="" ?
#164 opened by Stas-Bel - 6
Help me >_< merge two gallery in one output
#192 opened by ZeoNish - 4
Still maintained?
#163 opened by niklasp - 1
how do i initialize more galleries on one page with one selector and one options?
#191 opened by picarica - 1
link 404s
#185 opened by greg-minshall - 4
Gallery with videojs autoplay issue (lg-video.js ?)
#184 opened by ProUnebit - 2
Thumbnail plugin isn't working
#183 opened by Nightwing0815 - 4
Lightgallery plugin not working with angular 9
#161 opened by nileshzala005 - 1
Turn off hideControl
#171 opened by develth - 2
Drag orientation when image is rotated and zoomed
#182 opened by deadlious - 0
Make usage of picturefill optional
#172 opened by janwidmer - 1
How to add two separate galleries on the same page? (Code is attached, which is not working)
#170 opened by iwllu