
This repository contains frontend practices of 30 days of JS

Primary LanguageHTML


This project link Starter Files + Completed solutions for the JavaScript 30 Day Challenge.

Grab the course at https://JavaScript30.com


Here's a list of all the days and the projects:-

  1. JavaScript Drum Kit
  2. JS and CSS Clock
  3. CSS Variables
  4. Array Cardio Day 1
  5. Flex Panel Gallery
  6. Type Ahead
  7. Array Cardio Day 2
  8. Fun with HTML5 Canvas
  9. Dev Tools Domination
  10. Hold Shift and Check Checkboxes
  11. Custom Video Player
  12. Key Sequence Detection
  13. Slide in on Scroll
  14. JavaScript References VS Copying
  15. LocalStorage
  16. Mouse Move Shadow
  17. Sort Without Articles
  18. Adding Up Times with Reduce
  19. Webcam Fun
  20. Speech Detection
  21. Geolocation
  22. Follow Along Link Highlighter
  23. Speech Synthesis
  24. Sticky Nav
  25. Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once
  26. Stripe Follow Along Nav
  27. Click and Drag
  28. Video Speed Controller
  29. Countdown Timer
  30. Whack A Mole