
Choreo extension for Visual Studio Code

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The Choreo extension for Visual Studio Code

The Choreo VS Code extension enhances your local development experience with Choreo projects by providing a wide range of project and component management capabilities. Learn more about Choreo.

Get started

You need an active Choreo account to utilize the capabilities of the Choreo extension in the VS Code editor. If you already have a Choreo account, follow the steps below to set up the extension.

  1. Install the Choreo VS Code extension and wait for the extension to be initialized.

  2. Sign in to Choreo using one of the following methods.

    • Via the Sign In prompt displayed upon successful initialization of the extension
    • Via the Sign In options available by clicking the Choreo icon on the activity bar of your VS Code editor

    Sign In

Tip: The above step redirects you to an external URI to complete the authentication process. If the sign-in is successful, the organization linked to your Choreo account will be visible in the Choreo activity panel.

Create a project

Follow the steps below to create a new Choreo project directly from VS Code.

Tip: If you already have a Choreo project, you can skip this section and move to the Open Project section.

  1. In the Choreo activity panel, click the Create Project button to create a new project.

    Tip: Alternatively, execute the Create new project command in the Command palette.

  2. In the New Choreo Project pane, complete the new project wizard by specifying appropriate values for the required fields.

    Tip: If you want to use a single repo to store all the components of the project, select the Mono repository option, and provide a GitHub Repository and its Organization. This will redirect you to GitHub to authorize a repository to link it to the project.

New Project Wizard

Open project

Follow the step below to open an exisiting Choreo project and create a copy of it in the local environment.

  1. Click Open Project button to get the project list present in your organization.

  2. In the Command palette, select the project from the PROJECTS list.

  3. Select a directory in your local machine to store the project.

    Tip: Once the project is cloned, it opens as a workspace in VS Code. Each component will be available as a workspace item.

Open Project

Design and develop your application

Follow the steps below to design and develop your application by adding components to it.

Info: This creates the sources for each component locally in the given repo, and each component will be added as a workspace item in VS Code. To sync your local changes with the Choreo console, you'll need to perform a push your changes to Choreo step. This will update the Choreo console with the latest version of your components.

  1. In the Choreo activity panel, click Add Component button.

  2. Specify appropriate values for the required fields to create the new component.

  3. Once the component is created, Cell View is enabled.

  4. Click + icon in components section to create components.

Architecture Diagram

The above step will create sources for each component locally in the given repo, and each component will be added as a workspace item in VS Code.

Push your changes to Choreo

Follow the steps below to push the changes to Choreo after creating the components.

  1. In the Component pane, expand the component you need to push to Choreo.

  2. Under Action section, select Commit and Push option.

  3. Add the respective changes, enter an appropriate commit message, and click Commit to commit the changes.

  4. Once all the componets are commited, Push to Choreo option will be made available.

  5. Click Push to Choreo to upload the components to the Choreo platform.

    Info: Once you push the components, they will be visible on the Choreo platform.

Push Changes

Deploy your components

After creating the components, follow the steps below to deploy your components.

  1. In the Choreo Console, navigate to the Deploy page, to deploy the components. Learn more about Builds and Deployments

  2. Once the components are deployed, view the build and deployment status from the Choreo activity panel.


Follow the steps below to troubleshoot Choreo extension issues.

  1. From the main menu, Click View and Click OUTPUT to open the OUTPUT pane.

  2. From the drop-down menu on the RHS, select Choreo to view the Choreo output for troubleshooting.

Ask for help

Create Github issues to reach out to us.