
The concept of "100 days of ML notes" refers to a self-directed learning challenge aimed at building a solid foundation in machine learning (ML) over a period of 100 days. Remember, consistency is key!

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Daywise Blog
Day1 ( What is ML ) Explanation Link
Day2 ( AI Vs ML Vs DL ) Explanation Link
Day3 ( Types of Machine Learning ) Explanation Link
Day4 ( Batch Learning in ML ) Explanation Link
Day5 ( Online Learning in ML) Explanation Link
Day6 (Instance-Based Vs Model-Based Learning ) Explanation Link
Day7 (Challenges in ML ) Explanation Link
Day8 (Applications in ML) Explanation Link
Day9 (Machine Learning Development Life Cycle) Explanation Link
Day10 (Data Engineer V Data Analyst V Data Scientist V ML Engineer) Explanation Link
Day11 (Tensor in Machine Learning ) Explanation Link
Day12 (Tools Knowledge-Jupyter Notebook,Google Colab,Kaggle Explanation Link
Day13 (End to End Toy Project ) Explanation Link
Day14 (Framing Machine Learning Problem) Explanation Link
Day15 (Working with CSV ) Explanation Link
Day16 (Working with JSON & SQL) Explanation Link
Day17 (Fetching Data From API) Explanation Link
Day18 (Fetching Data Using WebScraping) Explanation Link
Day19 (Understanding Your Data in ML ) Explanation Link
Day20 (EDA using Univariate Analysis ) Explanation Link
Day21 (EDA using Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis) Explanation Link
Day22 (Pandas Profiling ) Explanation Link
Day23 (Feature Engineering) Explanation Link
Day24 (Standardization in ML) Explanation Link
Day25 (Normalization in ML ) Explanation Link
Day26 (Encoding Categorical Data-Label Encoding) Explanation Link
Day27 (One Hot Encoding ) Explanation Link
Day28 (Column Transformer in ML ) Explanation Link
Day29 (Machine Learning Pipelines ) Explanation Link
Day30 (Function Transformer in ML ) Explanation Link
Day31 (Power Transformer in ML ) Explanation Link
Day32 (Encode Numerical Features ( Binning & Binarization )) Explanation Link
Day33 (Handling Mixed Variable in Feature Engineering 👨‍💻 ) Explanation Link
Day34 (Handling Date & Time Variable in Feature Engineering) Explanation Link
Day35 (Handling Missing Data -( Complete Case Analysis ) ) Explanation Link
Day36 (Handling missing data - Numerical Data - Simple Imputer) Explanation Link
Day37 ( Handling Missing Categorical Data -Most Frequent Imputation- Missing Category Imputation Explanation Link
Day38 ( Missing Indicator - Random Sample Imputation ) Explanation Link
Day39 ( KNN Imputer -- Multivariate Imputation ) Explanation Link
Day40 ( Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations [ MICE ] ) Explanation Link
Day41 ( Outliers in Machine Learning ) Explanation Link
Day42 ( Outlier Detection & Removal using Z-score Method ) Explanation Link
Day43 ( Outlier Detection and Removal using the IQR Method ) Explanation Link
Day44 ( Outlier Detection using Percentile Method ) Explanation Link
Day45 ( Feature Construction & Feature Splitting ) Explanation Link
Day46 ( Curse of Dimensionality ) Explanation Link
Day47 ( Principle Component Analysis (PCA) Part 1 ) Explanation Link
Day48 ( Principle Component Analysis (PCA) Part 2 ) Explanation Link
Day49 ( Principle Component Analysis (PCA) Part 3 ) Explanation Link
Day50 ( Simple Linear Regression Code + Intuition ) Explanation Link
Day51 ( Simple Linear Regression - Mathematical Formulation ) Explanation Link
Day52 ( Regression Metrics MSE MAE & RMSE R2 Score & Adjusted R2 Score ) Explanation Link
Day53 ( Multiple Linear Regression Geometric intuition & code ) Explanation Link
Day54 ( Multiple Linear Regression Mathematical Formulation From Scratch ) Explanation Link
Day55 ( Multiple Linear Regression Code From Scratch ) Explanation Link
Day56 ( Gradient Descent ) Explanation Link
Day57 ( Batch Gradient Descent ) Explanation Link
Day58 ( Stochastic Gradient Descent ) Explanation Link
Day59 ( Mini-Batch Gradient Descent ) Explanation Link
Day60 ( Polynomial Regression ) Explanation Link
Day61 ( Bias Variance Trade-off ) Explanation Link
Day62 ( Ridge Regression Part 1 ) Explanation Link
Day63 ( Ridge Regression Part 2 ) Explanation Link
Day64 ( Ridge Regression using Gradient Descent ) Explanation Link
Day65 ( Five key points about Ridge Regression ) Explanation link
Day66 ( Lasso Regression ) Explanation link
Day67 ( Why Lasso Regression creates sparsity ) Explanation Link
Day68 ( ElasticNet Regression ) Explanation Link
Day69 ( Logistic Regression ) Explanation Link
Day70 ( Logistic Regression Perceptron Trick ) Explanation Link
Day71 ( Logistic Regression Sigmoid Function ) Explanation Link
Day72 ( Logistic Regression-Maximum Likelihood ) Explanation Link
Day73 ( Derivative of Sigmoid Function ) Explanation Link
Day74 ( Logistic Regression Gradient Descent & Code From Scratch ) Explanation Link
Day75 ( Accuracy and Confusion Matrix ) Explanation Link
Day76 ( Precision Recall and F1 Score ) Explanation Link
Day77 ( Softmax Regression ) Explanation Link
Day78 ( Polynomial Features in Logistic Regression ) Explanation Link
Day79 ( Logistic Regression Hyperparameters ) Explanation Link
Day80 ( Decision Trees Geometric Intuition ) Explanation Link
Day81 ( Hyperparameter Tuning in Decision Trees ) Explanation Link
Day82 ( Regression Tree - Decision Tree visualization with Dtreeviz ) Explanation Link
Day83 ( Ensemble Learning ) Explanation Link
Day84 ( How to Develop Voting Ensembles With Python ) Explanation Link
Day85 ( Bagging Ensemble Learning ) Explanation Link
Day86 ( Random Forest Algorithm in ML ) Explanation Link
Day87 ( AdaBoost Alogorithm in ML ) Explanation Link
Day88 ( Kmeans Clustering in ML ) Explanation Link
Day89 ( Gradient Boosting Algorithm in ML ) Explanation Link
Day90 ( Stacking & Blending in ML ) Explanation Link
Day91 ( Hierarchical Clustering ) Explanation Link
Day92 ( K-Nearest Neighbors(KNN) Algorithm in ML ) Explanation Link
Day93 ( Support Vector Machines in ML ) Explanation Link
Day94 ( Naive Bayes algorithm in ML ) Explanation Link
Day95 ( XGBoost Algorithm in ML ) Explanation Link
Day96 ( DBSCAN Clustering in ML ) Explanation Link