
Training automation of yolo for one class

Primary LanguageMakefile

YOLO Training

This script downloads darknet and trains for one particular class. This script is only compatible with machines that have Nvidia drivers and CUDNN installed.


  1. git clone https://github.com/sachinruk/YoloV3_train.git && cd ./YoloV3_train
  2. Change the password in run.sh file to something secure.
  3. Run bash run.sh and go to localhost:8888 on your browser. You may need to do port forwarding to your local machine if you are running on a remote machine. In my case when connecting to remote instance I had to do ssh -i aws_permissions.pem -L 8001:localhost:8888 ubuntu@$instanceIp.
  4. Enter the password that is stated on the run.sh file (please change the default) and open up a terminal in jupyter notebooks.
  5. Run bash train.sh -o snowman for a snowman detector. All valid object types are listed under categories.txt.


Much of this code has been adapted from the blog post from learnopencv: https://www.learnopencv.com/training-yolov3-deep-learning-based-custom-object-detector/