
This repository contains code related to Ethereum blockchain blocks detail store implementation.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains code related to Ethereum blockchain blocks detail store implementation.


Clone Repository

$ git clone git@github.com:sachinsmc/ethblock-store.git

Install dependencies.

$ cd ethblock-store

$ npm i

Create environment variable file

$ cp .example.env .env

update env values 

Start application

$ npm start or $ node --max-old-space-size=7096 ./bin/www

This will store latest 10k blocks transactions in Mongo DB

Test API endpoint : get transactions by a user

Method : GET

ENDPOINT AND HOST : localhost:3002/transactions/0x00cFBbaF7DDB3a1476767101c12a0162e241fbAD

Check using CURL if it works

$ curl -X GET \ http://localhost:3002/transactions/0x00cFBbaF7DDB3a1476767101c12a0162e241fbAD

This returns all the transactions done by user