
Developed a user-friendly Netflix clone with multilingual support (Hindi, English, Spanish) and GPT-integrated features using Tailwind, React, and Redux. Implemented Firebase for user authentication and real time database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NetFlix GRT

1.CRA 2.Configured tailwind in our react app. 3.Routing 3.Header 4.Login-form 6.Sign Up form 7.useRef hook 8.Form Validation 9.Firebase set up 10.Deploying our app to production 11.Lets sign up user 12.implement sign in 13.Created our redux store with userSlice 14.Implemented sign out. 15.Update profile 16.Fetch TMDB Movies. 17.BugFix : Sign up user display name and profile picture update 18.BugFix : If the user is not logged in then direct to /browse page and vice versa. 19.Unsubscribed to the onAuthStateChange callback. 20.Add hardcoded values to constant files. 21.Registered in TMDB API , create an app and get the access token. 22.Get the data from TMDB now playing API. 23.Created movieSlice . 24.Custom hook for getting now playing movies data 25.Update the store with movies data. 26.Planing for MainContainer 27.Custom hook for getting trailer data. 28.Update the store with trailer data. 29.Embedded the YouTube Video and make it auto play and mute and added tailwind for styling. 30.We will build secondary component. 31. Built the Secondary Component. 32. Built MovieList. 33. Built MovieCard. 34. Add the TMDB poster image CDN to constant file. 35. Used custom hooks like useNowPlayingMovies , usePopularMovies , useTopRatedMovies , useUpComingMovies for now playing movies, popular movies, top rated movies and upcoming movies respectively. 36.Created GptSearch (parent) , GptSearchBar (child), GptMovieSuggestions(child) Components. 37.Created redux store with gptSlice . 38.Added the GptSearch component as taggable while click on Gpt button in header component using redux store. 39.Added multilingual feature in our app. 40.Integrate GPT API 41.Added the functionality to search movies using GPT. 42.Added a .env file for in root directory to make api secure. 43.Added responsive features for large , medium and small screen. 44.Added hover effect to the MovieCard Component. 45.Used conditional rendering of MovieDetails component for pop up modal trailer video and info . 46.Created a new state modalTrailerVideo in movieSlice in redux store. 47.and update that state using addModalTrailerVideo action (dispatch action) 48.Subscribe that store using usSelector hook provided by react-redux and update the MovieDetails component. 49.Added the functionality to close the modal (MovieDetails component) by subscribing to store , dispatch an action and conditional rendering. 50.Created Recommend , RecommendCard component and used custom hook like useMovieRecommend to get recommended movies as per a particular movieId. 51.Stored recommended movie data in recommendedMovies state in movieSlice in redux store. 52.Subscribe that store by useSelector hook and update the UI of Recommend component. 53.Also created a separate component like About to have complete movie details below Recommend component and the data is coming to this component as props. 54.Created FullTrailer component to view the full trailer in a separate route like /watch?movieId=id when we click on on the play button on poster in MovieDetails component and play button on VideoTitle component. 55.Did router configuration for FullTrailer component. 56.Used ref variable using useRef hook for conditional rendering of MovieDetails component and routing to FullTrailer component. 57.Did error handling and navigate to error route if any error comes. 58.Worked on recommended card text and decrease its length conditionally. 59.Expand and collapse the recommended cards lists by clicking on arrow button . 60.Added the functionality to add movies to myList and remove from myList. 61.Used firebase database (FireStore) to create the collection of each user and add the documents to that collection and its document contains two fields like movie id and poster path. 62.Fixed bugs on Trailer component by creating a separate hook for modal trailer video like useModalMovieTrailer rather using the same hook useMovieTrailer . Previously we are using the same hook useMovieTrailer , then we faced bug like correct trailer was not coming as per trailer id. 63.Added tooltip on added to my movie list. 64.Added feature like remove movie items from my movie list. 65.Created separate state like recommendedTrailerVideo inside the movie slice. 66.Updated the recommendedTrailerVideo state by data coming from the api calling for videos of a particular movie(id) clicking on the play button of RecommendCard component also navigate the page to /watch?movieId=id using useNavigate hook. 67.Added play movie trailer feature in recommended card component.And the trailer will be playing in /watch?movieId=id route path where id is the id of the movie and it comes dynamically. 68.Then we subscribe to the recommendedTrailerVideo state inside the FullTrailer component and did conditional rendering inside the FullTrailer component. 69.Resolved small bug from dropdown language settings by putting value attribute to select tag. 70.Resolved routing bug by rendering the Header component conditionally in Error component. It prevents user state to become null in user slice in redux store , which previously causes unwanted behavior of app. 71.Added some style to the Trailer component like background gradient. 72.Also added conditional element in AboutMovie Component fot 16+ movie and 18+ movie. 73.Conditionally applied tailwind css class (invisible) to the nav-items like "My List" and "home" as per gpt value to the to the header component in home page and gpt page. 74.Added Footer component. 75.Fixed some styling bugs and added Footer component to Login Component.

Features -

  • login/Sign up page

  • Header

  • log in/Sign up form

    • (after logged in it will redirect to browse screen)
  • Browse page (only comes after authentication )

  • Header

  • Main Page -Main Container -VideoTitle (Movie Title and buttons) -VideoBack (Trailer playing in back ground) -Secondary container -MovieList

    • MovieCard -(Details of movie along with its trailer ,descriptions like overview , genres and recommended movie lists)

    • MovieSuggestion

    • MovieLists

  • GPT page

    -GptSearch -GptSearchBar -GptMovieSuggestion -MovieCard -(Details of movie along with its trailer ,descriptions like overview , genres and recommended movie lists)


  • How to use firebase authentication.
  • How to use firebase database.
  • How to use redux.
  • How to use custom hooks.
  • How to memoize data.
  • How to use Swiper.
  • How to integrate openai GPT API to the app and make request to it.
  • Gained more clarity on css properties like position, display , backgound-gradient etc.