
This Django Chat App demonstrates real-time communication using Django Channels and WebSockets. It's a showcase project for those interested in building live interactive features into their web applications, leveraging the power of Django and Redis.

Primary LanguagePython

Django Chat App Project (Using Channels)

This project is a basic real-time chat application built using the Django framework and Django Channels. It showcases the use of WebSockets for real-time communication between clients and server.

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you through setting up the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Before you start, ensure you have installed:

  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • Redis 5.0 or higher

Setting Up the Development Environment

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/sachnaror/ChatAPI
    cd ChatAPI
  2. Create and Activate a Virtual Environment

    • For Unix or MacOS:

      python3 -m venv venv
      source venv/bin/activate
    • For Windows:

      python -m venv venv
  3. Install the Requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Database Migrations

    Apply the database migrations to your local database.

    python manage.py migrate
  5. Run the Redis Server

    Ensure the Redis server is running on your local machine. This project assumes Redis is running on its default port (6379).

  6. Start the Django Development Server

    python manage.py runserver
  7. Access the Application

    Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to start using the chat application.


  • Django Channels for providing the real-time WebSocket communication framework.
  • Redis for the efficient messaging and storage solution.